Duncan Charman – The Thinking Angler.
If you have read
part 1&2 of my articles on the Pellet/Groundbait Lead then I’m
hoping that although you may be reluctant to get rid of the PVA,
Method feeders and boilies, when you approach each future session you
look at what’s in front of you and only use these items when
necessary, instead of reaching for them out of habit. By the amount
of emails I have received congratulating me on part 1&2 and how I
have got some anglers brains working, they must be working.
I might be wrong
here, but I get the general rule of thumb that when carp fishing,
anglers believe they need to get a bed of bait down, then offer
something over the top that stands out like a bright yellow highly
flavoured pop up, as this is what the carp will home in on first.
Well if that’s the case why lay the table first, if it’s the
pop-up they see and want first then why waste money giving them
seconds! A bright coloured pop-up catches fish, it’s a tried and
tested recipe for success but casting one to a carp that’s just
head-and-shouldered to the side of you will probably get just as
good, if not better results. My thoughts on carp fishing in general,
is that if I’ve just placed a kilo of 14mm Nash Monster Squid
boilies into my swim, why on earth would I want to offer anything
different over the top. In fact who’s to say that when my rod rips
of on the ‘in-your-face’ presentation, it’s not the last to be
taken! I have always worked on the theory that when my double maggot
hookbait impaled on a size 16 has produced a bite over a handful of
completely freefalling natural ones then, it’s probably the last to
be taken, time to introduce more! Another thought is why would I use
a white maggot on the hook if I was feeding reds? Generally I
wouldn’t, I’d be using reds. What I have always tried to do is
match my hookbait with the feed, however when this is attached to a
hook it decides to work completely different to the rest, so more
thought on presenting your hookbait as naturally as possible over
your freebies will without a doubt catch you more fish. How we go
about neutralizing the weight of the hook or making it look and act
the same on the hair as those around it comes with experimentation,
but when carp fishing using exactly the same hookbait as what you are
feeding is the perfect starting point.
I’m going to
start this paragraph as I finished the last, the perfect starting
point. What this simply means is think about what you are introducing
into your swim and what you are using as bait. When fishing for
barbel or carp, if I’m introducing pellet around my hookbait, it’s
a sure fact that it will be pellet on the hook and the same goes for
boilies. From this starting point we can then progress into
introducing loose feed that may differ from our hookbait, as this
will attract other species that will in turn increase the chances of
catching our chosen quarry. To name a couple of instances is the
introduction of hemp and dead maggots at Frensham whilst targeting
rudd. Tench love hemp and whilst feeding on this will send maggots up
into the water. If you have a couple of maggots presented two inches
above the bottom, well it’s right in the eyesight of what you’re
after! Fishing for big perch also shows the need to think laterally.
Loose feeding maggots will attract small fish into your swim, small
fish attract perch and placed below is a big juicy worm or prawn.
By the time this
article is published it will be bang in time for anglers with crucian
carp on there mind. Probably not good for me as many will be trying
out this new tactic on Godalming’s Harris and Johnson’s come
early spring (Actually it was published at this time, yet almost
every angler was still using what’s considered the best tactic, the
flat-bed feeder. Sorry guys you missed an edge here!), however before
revealing all; let’s take a quick look at barbel and bream.
Crucian Carp –
The ‘Groundbait-lead’. The days of delicately pole floats in the
margins have all but gone. Bring on the scaled-down bolt-rigs. Don’t
get me wrong, if I could catch twenty plus specimen crucians on the
float in a night then I would, yet have I ever done this, no. Have I
achieved this using bolt-rigs, oh yes, on numerous occasions and
surpassed this number by a huge margin. Before progressing, can I
just classify what a crucian bolt-rig consists off? Rods are 1.25lb
T/C, reels are loaded with 6lb Gardner HydroFlo and the heaviest
weight I have ever used is 1.1oz! The lead is buffeted by a
Quick-change bead and although free-running on the mainline a couple
of float stops are positioned one inch above to create the bolt
affect. The float stops above the lead is in my mind the most
influential part of this rig. Hooklinks are just 4inches and created
from Grand-Match Fluorocarbon in a strain of 4.84lb with a size 16
Drennan Super-Specialist completing the set up tied knotless-knot
style. Nine times out of ten the smallest grain of corn is mounted on
the hair, yet on the odd occasion when this fails a Nash 6mm or 8mm
Squidgee pellet is the next best option. Groundbait around the lead
has to be fine and I now use Old Ghost Green Alga. Its important to
mix this a couple of hours before leaving home, then sieved (again
very important) just before using it and the end texture should be
just firm enough to be compressed around the lead. Apart from
pre-spawning, crucians are rarely found far from the margins so this
tactic involves holding the ‘groundbait-lead’ next to the reel
and simply swinging it out. This may seem simple, yet swinging a 1oz
loaded lead out to its furthest point on a tight line, then releasing
it on a limp line is easier said than done. Get the consistency wrong
and your bait will be all over the place! Once the groundbait-lead
has hit bottom do not pull the lead away from the pile of groundbait.
Simply tighten the line up against this, place the hanger on the line
and wait for them to alert you to a bite. I like to use a tight line
(once again going against the trendy at the moment popular slack
lines) from rod tip to lead and if possible try and position the rod
tips under the water and as close to the bottom as possible. When the
crucians arrive you will receive loads of bleeps as they rummage
through the groundbait. Resist these until the hanger starts dancing
and don’t be surprised if line is taken from the baitrunner. When a
bite develops, do not strike, the hook is already firmly in the
crucians lip, just lift the rod gently and play the fish with
kid-gloves into the net. If you are getting lots of bleeps and
aborted runs then change your hooklink, it might look perfect but
obviously its not. If the rig is working correctly, more often than
not the hook will be bang in the centre of the crucians bottom lip.
It’s also
amazing just how quickly after a recast a bite will come. Just like
using the ‘pellet-lead’ on a well stocked carp lake, if you don’t
get a bite quickly then the chances are you will be fishing a single
hookbait and it’s the same with the ‘groundbait-lead’. This
ball of bait will only be effective, or working to its fullest
potential for a certain amount of time before it looses its appeal
and an angler has to judge just when this is. I will almost always
recast the ‘groundbait-lead’ every fifteen minutes, even if the
fish haven’t arrived. Once they arrive, believe me, you will be
casting far sooner!
The difficult
point to crucian fishing is location. Crucians will give themselves
away at dusk, sometimes a couple of hours into darkness, so you need
to get to know the venue in order to find them and get the best from
it. Crucians are relatively predictable and if you have a good night
in a swim, then your probably find them in the same place the
following night. They are however quite temperamental and although
they maybe in the swim, if the wind changes from a west to an east
they maybe far harder to tempt.
Well that’s
about it in this mini series. Plenty to get the brain working
overtime and a few new tactics to take to your local venue that will
certainly get your indicators moving.
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