July to September 2013

July – One night after eels produced
a mid four, why I didn’t do more nights for these I will never
know! Apart from numerous enjoyable guiding sessions to Frensham big
pond it was a night spent under the stars with fellow Nash man Paul
Garner that stole the show. Not for the fishing, which was good, but
the spectacular sunset we witnessed at dusk, where was that coming
from. Another great weekend was spent with Stuart Jupp at one of the
Nash Roadshows, this time at Broadlands. Fishing scaled down surface
tactics we showed the carp boys how it was done with a couple of
twenties to our names. I think this one might come back and bite me
on the bum, game on!

August – Looking back at my records
it was this month when everything started to go wrong, or should I
say most venues toughen up. It was also a month when I decided to
give up carp fishing the Thames as it was proving just impossible
throughout the middle reaches. In all honesty much of my time was
spent guiding customers and although everyone caught it was this that
stopped me getting my teeth into anything, hence the reason for being
unable to string any consistency together. I did manage one big fish
during the month, a 14lb 7oz barbel, so it wasn’t all doom and

September – The news was that the
river Wye was fishing badly yet a week spent guiding on this
incredible river bought exactly one hundred barbel to my customers!
Another week later in the month, again on the Wye was also good, yet
a couple of attempts piking was disappointing. It wasn’t just the
Wye that was being kind, the Loddon was also hitting form and it
seemed everyone I took out was landing a double. One lucky angler
took two doubles, two modest chub, but the fish of the session was a
bream weighing 10lb, where did that come from?
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