A deadly combination.
Angler - Peg One's Stuart Jupp
Images and words – Duncan Charman.
The Helicopter Rig
needs no introduction, it’s been around for years, yet it’s
rarely used by anglers targeting species other than carp. Most
anglers targeting bream and tench tend to follow suit with the carp
lads, using standard scaled down semi-fixed bolt rig consisting of
either an inline lead and PVA bag with pellet within and a boilie as
bait or an inline maggot feeder with plastic bait on the hair.
However a few in the know anglers have taken the Helicopter rig away
from the carp anglers, modified it and proceed to take venues apart
with it. Nash Peg One consultant Stuart Jupp is one of those anglers
that knows the full impact of just how versatile and effective this
self-hooking rig is and we sent him to one of his local club waters
to see how many species he could catch during a short morning
session. For Stuart our challenge fell bang on time that Nash were
testing out their new innovative device, The Ballmaker so it was
exciting times for everyone.
Master plan and swim choice.

Arriving an hour after sunrise Stuart
takes his time to scan the water. This is where watercraft learnt
over many years plays a major factor in success and failure. There’s
a brisk westerly blowing which is colder than hoped and although
Stuart wants to have a good ripple in front of him, he opts out of
sitting with this directly in his face, preferring to cast into open
water at the end of the lake where it’s blowing but from an angle.
Keeping to open water will give me a good chance of picking up
numerous species, especially bream that are abundant in this lake. I
have already come with a plan of action and that’s to introduce a
dozen balls of groundbait at a comfortable casting and catapulting
distance. Fifty yards is about right and with the lake typography
being fairly uniformed it’s up to me to make a feature, and that’s
achieved by accurate and constant feeding. Constant building the swim
is paramount if you want to get the best from it and this is why
Stuarts decided to cast every fifteen minutes. Once the fish arrive
and he lands one a further two balls of groundbait will be
introduced, a routing that he will continue right to the end of the
Hookbait and bait application.

Wanting to catch
numerous species Stuart has kept his hookbait very simple, live and
dead maggots. Groundbait is a 50/50 mix of Fish Frenzy Talapia and
Halibut method mix which may seem strange but Stuart intends to mix
this groundbait very dry and then sieve it. The groundbait will be
fed into the swim, initially by catapulting out, and then regularly
topped up through a cage feeder and by placing live maggots in the
centre of the feeder; these simply push the groundbait out. The dead
maggots are great as these can be mixed into the groundbait and
pressed with the balls that are fired out. Dead maggots are also a
great hookbait, especially for bream with tench and perch preferring
live ones. Stuart has also given his groundbait an extra boost by
adding a good helping of Sweetcorn Magic Mix Attractor which is
really sweet smelling. He also adds some to his dead and live maggots
but edges on the side of caution when doing so.

When Stuarts created the right
consistency he quickly makes op a dozen 40mm balls with the
Ballmaker. I watch as he fills the larger part of the device, presses
down, and then adds more. This creates a much firmer ball which are
easily fired out using a hard cup style catapult. Before firing these
out though he fills his feeder with groundbait, lines his cast up
with a far bank marker and makes a preliminary cast. As the feeder
hits the water he places the rod on the ground and only then starts
to catapult the balls out, this way he can make sure that his initial
baiting is relatively accurate. Before winding in Stuart places his
mainline in the reels line clip then ties on an elasticated stop knot
just of this. This reference marker will allow Stuart to create up an
accurate feeding zone during the session, building the swim in a slow
but positive way, drawing fish steadily into his swim and hopefully
reap the rewards as the session progresses.
The rig.

Although the Helicopter Rig sounds
complex, it is in fact very simple and almost tangle free. Basically
it’s a short hooklink, usually three to four inches that is trapped
on the mainline by two float stops with the feeder tied to the end of
the mainline. The rig has to be balanced throughout and over years of
using Stuart reckons that a size 16 micro-barbed hook attached to a
five-pound fluorocarbon hooklink can’t be beaten when using
maggots. The hooklink is positioned an inch further away from the
feeder than the length of the hooklink and a small tapered rig sleeve
acts as a boom, keeping the hooklink from tangling on the 6lb
mainline. On one rod Stuart will be using a 25gram mesh style open
ended feeder with bream in mind and the hookbait will be dead
maggots. On the other rod he will be using the same size feeder but
this time it will be a maggot feeder and with two live maggots popped
up of the deck with some foam he hopes this will encourage a tench to
grace his net. Keeping his options open at the start will help find
out what species are in his swim and when one rig shows a preference
he will swap both rods over to the winning tactic.
The session.

After introducing
the balls of groundbait Stuart casts out places his rods on the rests
and attaches his bobbins hoping for a quick indication that he’s
made the right swim choice. That indication comes after just ten
seconds as one of his alarms sends out a series of audible notes.
Stunned at such a quick response and noticing one of his bobbins has
dramatically dropped back Stuart carefully lifts the rod and feels
into a fish which straight away is identified as a bream. Weighing
around 4lb it has come to the groundbait and dead maggot tactic, a
devastating bream tactic if ever their was. Recasting the rods go
unnoticed for the next fifteen minutes which is time for a recast.
Soon after casting a repeat performance happens and from then on it’s
a bream almost every cast to the groundbait feeder, yet the maggot
feeder and lives goes unnoticed. After half a dozen bream its time to
change and the action intensifies, yet its just bream that are
falling. Changing to lives on one rod Stuart soon receives a one
toner and bends into a much harder fighting fish, however fully
expecting a tench he’s stunned as a quality Roach/bream hybrid
slides over the drawstring. A couple more follow before a fish is
connected with that feels completely different and by the jagged
fight he suspect a perch is the culprit and he’s right. Having
three species in the net Stuart knows he can only expect one more
species, yet he has to wade through a number of further bream before
the baitrunner kicks into life. Playing the fish ever so carefully as
not to pull the hook or break the hooklink a tench finally graces his
net followed by two more. With the five hour session now completed
Stuart goes to lift his keepnet and is speechless as he struggles to
do so, as within is a mixed catch weighing at least fifty pounds and
that’s with quite a few smaller bream slipped straight back!
Venue details – Badshot Lea Big Pond
is controlled by Farnham Angling Society. For more details visit
or call The Creel on 01252 320871
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