Slow Sinking and Critically Balanced
Duncan Charman – The thinking Angler.
Its all well and
good casting out a blatant in-your-face deadbait popped up of the
lead with a red foam popper on waters where its never been used
before, yet on pressured waters containing big wary pike that have
seen it all, then a slightly more complex and subtle approach may
well be worth the effort.
balanced baits in the world of carp fishing are all the rage, why,
because they counter balance the weight of the hook making the boilie
fly into a carp’s mouth far easier. Carp have mouths designed far
superior to pike when it comes to taking a bait of the bottom, so if
carpers are going to so much trouble to create a bait that acts so
natural, then it seems obvious that by doing the same with a deadbait
will bring with it extra and more confident pick-ups from pike.
Unfortunately we
can’t just drill a whole in the side of a deadbait and plug it with
foam, like a carp angler does with a boilie; however by inserting a
buoyant balsa stick within a dead fish, a slow sinking bait can be
created. These balsa deadbait sticks come at a cost, around a pound
each so they can’t just be pushed into the bait and lost every time
a pike is hooked, so need to be attached to the trace to avoid this.
Pushing balsa sticks into frozen sardines, herrings or naturals is
difficult and often baits are split whist trying to achieve this. Its
far better to mount the deadbait onto a trace along with pushing the
buoyant stick, either into the body or down through the mouth
straight after buying them from the fish monger, before freezing
down. What I like to have with me on every pike trip is a selection
of popped-up, slow sinking and natural deadbaits, all frozen down in
individual containers ready to be used when I arrive at the lake.
Dawn is by far the most productive period so the last thing I want is
to waste time playing about with baits and rigs, especially on a
freezing cold morning. Having rods made up, baits mounted on traces
which can be quickly clipped onto my mainline is vital if I’m going
to make best of this feeding period
The slow sinking
or critically balanced bait is what I consider to be my big fish
method, one that when cast out will be left to draw a pike in through
its own devices whilst my second rod will be either twitched back
slowly over a period of time, worked through the swim using the
sink-and-draw method as well as experimenting with different baits.
The constant movement and working of a second bait over a big natural
looking bait, such as a herring, will often get a response if a big
pike is around and hungry.
Slow-sinkers are
also great in swims that have been pre-baited and often get an
instant response. It’s as if the feeding pike, after taking bait
directly of the bottom see a bait slowly falling through the water
and can’t resist it. To me it must be like a dying sardine that’s
been stunned and is falling away from a sardine bait ball after being
hit by a shoal of tuna. Inevitably it doesn’t go unnoticed!
All in all, if I
can make it easier for a pike to locate my bait by making it more
visual or presenting it in a way that it can be seen, as well as
creating some movement to it and at the same time easier for a pike
to grab, then I feel I have done everything possible to gain a
response. Obviously location and weather conditions play a major part
in consistently catching, yet rigs are one part of the jigsaw puzzle
that I have securely in place.
Knowing exactly
how my deadbaits are working when they are in my swim creates
confidence, and when a big pike is landed on a rig and bait that has
taken time to make up gives a fantastic feeling of achievement.
Images –
2. Location is
paramount. Find the jacks and the big girls won’t be far away.
3. Getting a bait
to sink slowly is easy. I tie on a balsa stick using bait elastic
along with attaching two trebles to the bait before dropping it in a
bowl of water. If it floats then a smaller stick is needed, if it
sinks a bigger one is needed.
4. Once the right
stick is found, I tie on a length of braid to it along with a small
retaining ring to the other end. The stick is then either inserted
into the body of the fish or pushed into the deadbaits mouth, before
the retaining ring is placed on the treble hook containing the barb,
followed by a bait saver, then pressed into the fish. The second
treble has already been positioned in the tail root of the deadbait
before the bait and trace are frozen.
5. A selection of
balsa sticks, foam poppers and bait savers.
6. When going to
all the trouble of making up traces with baits attached I don’t
want to keep having to make up new ones after each capture so I
prefer to use either a Titanium woven or single stand wire as these
allow numerous pike to be caught before kinking. The only downside is
they are expensive, yet in the long run, you will save money.
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