Part two – Catching those bigger fish.
So you’ve had
your first taste of grayling and now have your sights set at landing that
elusive specimen but simply can’t get through the smaller fish, what do you
have to do? The first area that you will have to address is line control from
rod tip to float and sadly this only comes with time, however a few simple
tweaks or observations can make all the difference. The first and most common
mistake is allowing the mainline to override the float, dragging it off line
and downstream faster than the current. Mending the line, and by this I mean
simply lifting the line off the water so it straightens it from rod tip to
float, will solve the problem. I would much prefer to mend the line a few times
if needed than seeing the float pulled off line, so next time you watch the
float head off downstream pay attention to that line and if it’s in front of
the float or not in a straight line behind, then a quick flick of the wrist
will see that line straighten out. Some anglers feel that by laying the line on
the water and keeping the rod tip close to the water will help, which it will
do on a windy day but I like to keep as much line out of the water as possible,
something that’s only possible on days of no or little wind. Obviously keeping
in control is far easier on days of no or little wind so another great tip is
keep your eye on the weather and head to the river on one of those days when
the skies are blue and cloudless, and the air still. You will know when you
have it right as when the float disappears you will often feel the bite through
the rod.
Another area
that will greatly improve line control is float choice. Grayling are bold
biters so forget those delicate sticks and go big, as a heavy float will not
only get the centerpin turning better, create
far better control on windy days, ride those turbulent swims better as well as
being more visual which will allow you to trot a swim further. I started out using
Drennan Loafer floats that served me well for years and caught plenty of big
grayling but longer floats do offer allot more stability. Once again Dave
Harrell floats are difficult to beat as mentioned in Part 1.
Reel choice
is very personal but I found that I lost too many fish when using fixed spool
reel. Not only did this make my finger ache come the end of the day, but having
to pull line of the reel by sweeping the rod backwards always created a trot
that was slightly interrupted and not as smooth as a closed face reel or
centrepin offered. I would go as far as saying that a fixed spool reel probably
cost me one out of three fish hooked, many when the bail arm was engaged.
Changing to a centrepin instantly showed its advantages but to land nine out of
ten grayling hooked is an art, however persist and learn the craft and that’s
exactly what you will achieve. The disadvantage of a pin is in windy conditions
they become problematic more with tangles around the reel. A pin with a line
guard will reduce this problem but I found that for all the tangles they
stopped they produced others, so simply now revert to the best of both worlds
on breezy days and that’s a closed face reel. Once again for every problem
solved another is created and with closed face reels it comes down to the
clutch and on the old Daiwa 125m or Abu reels these were somewhat useless. I
recently hooked and landed an 8lb 2oz brown trout using an old Daiwa 125m
closed face reel and to say it was a bit touch and go is an understatement! If
I were to recommend a centrepin then it would have to be an Okuma Aventa,
brilliant, smooth and affordable. And a word of warning when loading line on a
pin, only put around 50 yards on as anymore will see the line bedding in and
failing to fall of the pin smoothly.
small things such as
having some Vaseline handy to rub on the rod eyes and keep them from freezing
up, and using a 15ft rod will all help not only catch more fish but bigger fish. 
One point to
mention and it comes back to location, is not to ignore any swim, however shallow.
I remember fishing the Itchen which had a hut set in the middle of the stretch.
At lunch time I would meet up with a mate who had been covering the river
either upstream or downstream depending on who won the toss at dawn. In front
of the hut the river was shallow, maybe a foot deep where you could make out
the gravel but not with any distinction due to the speed of flow. We had
ignored this area for
were the grayling in the shallows you may ask? Well a cormorant can’t swim in a foot of water can it! Big grayling do seem to be found on their own quite often, or in very small groups of similar sized fish, so don’t be in too hurry to move on from a swim that looks and feels great but doesn’t produce lots of fish. Big grayling also like small depressions, often ones that have been created by a salmon that was once resident for a while, one that slowly created a clear spot by constantly flicking its tail. In fact it’s very difficult to explain what is the best grayling swim, but if you want a big one then you need to explore every likely looking spot, be it a long steady run, a steep drop off,
under a bridge, a small
depression, slack on the inside of a bend to fast shallow water, but one thing
is for sure, swims with loads of fish rarely contain a monster.
catch a real specimen, one over 3lb you will need to be on a very special piece
of river. Day ticket and club stretches, well clubs that have open membership,
unfortunately nowadays rarely produce these. Although I’ve caught hundreds of
two’s and would feel confident in guiding an angler to such a fish, a
three-pounder has only graced my net once and this was on a private salmon beat
that I managed to get access to many years ago. If you want such a fish then
you have to be either very lucky, know someone that has access to a stretch of
the beaten track or be prepared to join a game stretch that allows coarse
fishing however this will come at a cost.
Duncan Charman is sponsored by Nash Tackle
and Bait and has his own website He regularly contributes to top weekly,
Anglers Mail magazine and is their very own ‘Where to fish’ expert for the
South East.
He’s also written a book called Evolution of an Angler which can be
obtained at the stupid price of just £10.99 plus P&P. Again email him for
more details.
Timsbury – 07759 331385
Lower Itchen Fishery – 07477
Purbeck Angling – 01929 550770
Dave Harrell –
1 – If you want a big grayling
you will have to go off the beaten track.
3 – Centre pin, 15ft rod and a
good sized float all helps in line control.
4 – If I were on a size 18
barbless hook then the chances of landing this massive trout would have been
5 – There are many ways to keep
the eyes from freezing up, Glycerine is one.
6 – -5 on the Test but the fish
are still feeding.
7 – Plenty of grayling in this
swim, but is there a two?
8 – Coloured corn, does it give
you an edge?
9 – You just can’t feed without
a bait apron.
10 – Ignore the shallows at your
11 – Find a big grayling and you
might find more.
12 – If you want a massive
grayling then the Frome is a good river to head too.
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