Once again the weather had done
its best to hamper many a fishing trip this month but looking at my records I
still managed to get out thirteen times split between personal sessions (6),
guiding (6) and features (1). Fortunately I made the most of a couple of breaks
in the weather and quite a few perch guiding sessions were able to be done, all
of which saw good perch landed. When the rivers were flowing high and coloured
and the lakes frozen I stayed in the office which has allowed me to get ahead
of myself once again and allowed the start of the New Year to be used to good
advantage, well that’s if this weather settles down. A trip to Frensham proved
that the rudd can still be caught in the depth of winter, but more importantly
I’m still up to the job. As much as I love Frensham I have to be very
disciplined as perch are this winters target and I don’t want to get side
tracked and once again cover old ground. A trip to Testwood Pools was once
again hugely enjoyable but the weather did its best to blow us off the venue. I
even agreed to guide my good friend Lou for pike which was rewarding with him
catching a few jacks before landing one of 15lb 2oz.
Christmas has now past and the
New Year is fast approaching. I was hoping to get out for one last trip before
2018 arrives but with my phone is showing rain and high winds from 4pm today
right through to the morning of the 31st so it looks like I’m going
to have to bang in plenty of sessions during the first week of the year. I
purposely kept the first week of the year free as most anglers will be back to
normal, the banks will be much quieter and knowing the rivers are high at the
moment, if they settle down a few fish will grace my net.
Happy New Year to you all and ‘be
lucky’ in 2018.
I still have a few signed copies of my book ‘Evolution of an
Angler’ available at the stupid price of £10.99 plus P&P. If you fancy a
good read whilst this weather does its best to hamper our fishing then just
email me for further details. Guiding vouchers were also popular as Christmas
presents with quite a few anglers finding one in there sack. These also make
great birthday presents, so if you’re stuck for ideas then this maybe a
solution. Again email me for more details – duncancharman@me.com
Day to Day events.
05/12/17 – In the
office all day writing an AM article.

08/12/17 –
Feeling a bit under the weather, think I might be going down with something and
really should have stayed at home but after waiting in all day for a delivery I
decided I had to head to Frensham to see if the rudd were feeding. It was a bit
of a shot in the dark but with the weather forecasted to become really cold
knew that this maybe my only chance for a few days. Nobody else around so
dropped into a swim that produced last year, went through the procedure of
spodding some bait out at distance before dropping a couple of helicopter rigs
over the top. As darkness fell so did the temperature and I started to question
my sanity but around ninety minutes later
it happened, both rods away almost together and two cracking rudd to
show for my efforts. Come 9.30pm and with no further action and feeling the
cold decided I had achieved what I had come for and headed home.
09 & 10/12/17 –
In the office proof reading and compiling a Top Tips article for Anglers Mail
along with my weekly ‘Where to Fish’ column.
11/12/17 – Having
been around people with colds for the last couple of weeks I was really hoping
that I would somehow stay clear of it but unfortunately not as the last few
days I’ve had a bad head cold. I suppose that if I was going to get it then
best have it this week whilst the weather is at its worst and I can stay in the
warm and get any pending articles sorted nice and early.
12/12/17 – The
coldest night of the winter and the lakes have frozen and we have it good down
here as Wales and the Midlands are colder than Moscow! I really wanted to get
out as I love chub fishing with bread when it’s this cold but still feeling a
bit under the weather and with the roads really bad went back to bed after
dropping the lady at work at 6am. Feeling better for it and spent the day doing
fishy related things such as getting articles to Anglers Mail and sorting the
tackle out for the odd short session tomorrow and the next few days after this.
13/12/17 –
Unfortunately I had to reschedule my guided day’s perch fishing with Matt for a
few reasons. First I’ve had a stinking cold which I didn’t want to pass on.
Secondly I was guessing that the river wasn’t going to be in top form and I was
right as although feeling shit, sometimes a couple of hours in the fresh air
does you good, yet arriving at the river Wey at first light for a spot of chub
fishing instantly made me heading elsewhere as it was a horrid brown colour,
just like the puddles on the side of the road. Waggoners Wells was my plan-b
and a short three hour session fishing punch saw around 8lb of prime roach to
around a pound taken. A quick visit to Apollo Angling at Marsh Farm for a few
items for my treat to Testwood Pools on Friday before heading home and sorting
the tackle out for a perch fishing trip to the river with pal Chris and brother
Kevin, yet it’s going to be a bit hit ‘n’ miss if the rivers going to be right?
14/12/17 – Met my
mate on the river at first light but we both knew it was a bit of a risk and
one look at the river and we both knew catching was going to be impossible so
we ended up having a gudgeon match on a local lake. Chris fished a float that resembled
a light house (I reckon it was so big it became a self-hooking rig) and a size
16 hook whilst I scaled right down to a size 20 hook under a delicate pole
float. Guess who won? Chris taking 11 to my dismal 3 but I did catch lots of
roach to around 12oz so on weight he was the loser!

17/12/17 – We
were hoping for some good perch fishing today but still the river isn’t looking
good, slightly pushing and carrying colour but its fishable. Arrived at 8am,
two anglers already on the beat and with a hard ground frost things still
aren’t going our way. First swim fished saw both Chris and I have bites but
Chris missed his chance and I lost mine after a few seconds. Two hours later
and further swims quickly covered and with the rain now falling we dropped into
one last swim for a few minutes and Chris managed a pike of around 6lb. I was
hoping for no more rain but come 4pm it’s still falling which isn’t going to
make the next week very easy. Lakes and canal are frozen but should defrost
this evening and with mild weather forecasted even if the rivers are out then I
will be able to cast a line in a lake.
18/12/17 – It was
good to catch up with my mate Tom who I hadn’t seen for a few months. After
picking him up in Alton at 8am we headed to free stretch of the river Wey in the
hope of a big chub yet although the river looked good it was tough going as all
I had to show for my efforts was one modest chub after a good five hours roving
around with bread flake. Tom fared better with one of 3lb 14oz along with a
surprise common of 9lb 14oz. We then headed to a free stretch of the river
Blackwater. Tom had chub on his mind and managed a couple with me sink and
drawing a dead roach through a couple of pools in the hope of a pike. This
session was for an AM feature to be published early in the New Year.
19/12/17 – On the
road early and giving myself plenty of time to get to the Lower Itchen Fishery
to meet one of my regular customers Neal Webb. First in the fishery we smashed
our way through the frozen puddles to the top of the fishery in the hope that
other anglers would see our cars and give us some space. Wrong as three anglers
decided to fish the swims directly downstream giving us no room to move. After
fishing two swims and catching quite a few trout before Neal was rewarded with
his first ever grayling we headed downstream and then realised why we had
others so close, the river was rammed. Luckily Neal was wanting not only to
catch his first ever grayling, which he had already achieved, but more
importantly to learn the art of using a pin and trotting a chalk stream so he
was more than happy dropping in around people and catching the odd trout.
Luckily the anglers at the top of the fishery had also headed downstream so
when we headed back were able to fish a few more swims and although the fishing
wasn’t easy, it wasn’t impossible and come the end of the day Neal had taken numerous
fish including grayling to around 1lb 6oz, trout to 3lb and a bonus chub at the
end of the day.
A few words from Neal –
Hi Duncan,
Thank you for another
extremely enjoyable and educational guiding trip yesterday.
Several dozen fish
on a fishery that, as you said seemed well above its angler capacity is a
commendable days guiding.
I caught my first
grayling and many more rod bending fish on a hard day. You have a knack of
producing results whilst those around are scratching their heads. Once again
you pulled the rabbit out of the hat!
I always think I
learn so much more on these difficult days Duncan.
Have a great
21/12/17 – A
day in the office catching up on fishy related items as well as getting things
ready for another guiding day tomorrow.
22/12/17 – My
customer arrived at my house at 7.30am and we headed to the river once more
with perch on our minds. Things looked good as the first swim produced a couple
of fish, the best a 1lb 15oz perch. Next swim produced another good fish;
however the next three went without reward, strange as all produced bites
earlier in the week. The last swim however didn’t disappoint as cast after cast
was rewarded with fish after fish, happy days and on very satisfied customer.
23/12/17 – On
the river come 7.30am and all looked good in the first swim when a perch
weighing around 1lb 12oz was netted after a few minutes. An hour later and with
no further action we moved to my second banker, nothing and then to a pool
where three spots were tried and again no action. Next swim produced two bites,
one fish and then after a couple more fishless swims we dropped into a pool for
a period of frantic action. Soon the action stopped so we headed to anew stretch which saw one bite coming from
three swims yet disaster happened as the hook pulled on what was definitely a
big fish. Barrie then decided to sit it out in the pool that gave lots of
action; however come 6pm he was still waiting. A strange day with plenty of
bites and a few fish but no monsters apart from two he lost. That’s fishing.
27/12/17 – Out
on the bank once again, this time with Lou who wanted to try and catch a decent
pike. Fortunately I keep a couple of
areas where I know pike are very much to myself so when someone request such a
day I can usually put a few jacks and the outside of a decent pike in my
customers net. Fortunately the fishing gods were looking down on us as Lou
managed to take one weighing 15lb 2oz.
28/12/17 and 29/12/17
– In the office writing up a couple of Anglers Mail Where To Fish articles
as well as a WTF Opener for them, sending images taken in 2017 to the relevant
fishing clubs along with loads of other things.
30/12/17 – I
was hoping to have an on-the-bank meeting with Alan Blair yet the weather
conditions have once again hampered plans so it’s been postponed to the New