Monthly Report October 2017
Godalming Angling’s Johnsons Lake
was where I spent most of my spare time, yet the venue was very unpredictable.
One day the crucians would be relatively easy as would the carp, the next
almost impossible. After a successful day guiding a couple of members, Scott
and Will I was confident of catching some crucians for a Nash Video, but try as
I did the crucians were just not feeding. I did catch one relatively small
crucian straight away then spent the rest of the day catching everything but.
The Nash video duo, Carl and Alex were with me and I’m sure will make another
Oscar winning production but the day just proved how difficult and
unpredictable our sport can be. Also on Johnson saw me hook seven carp in just
three hours before having to jump in and save a cygnet. The following day I was
back with my dad in the hope he would experience such fine fishing but the wind
had turned and the fish gone. Later on in the month and again having one last
go for the carp, unsuccessfully, I had to sit and watch a cormorant swallow
what almost certainly was a two-pound plus roach. It took around fifteen
minutes to swallow it then for the next two hours look uncomfortable as it digested
it. If it were my fishery I know what I would do as this is just not
sustainable and one day I fear that Johnsons will be an all out carp venue as
watching three cormorants work the water on a daily basis is seriously going to
make an impact sooner or later. As you will see from my daily posts I love the
wild life around me and will do everything to save a suffering bird, but
cormorants as far as I’m concerned need to be controlled any which way.
Another idea that is always
popular as a Christmas present is to get your other half to buy a ‘guided day
voucher’ from me. Vouchers will be posted out and can be placed in your
Christmas card as an added surprise and then be used anytime throughout the
year. Again just email me for prices etc.
Day to Day events.
from Scott...
fished for the best part of 35 years, I have generally had a clear sense of
targets in my fishing but for me it has never been just about catching, or
measuring success merely in pounds and ounces, more about a sense of enjoying
my surroundings, and working things out for myself so that on the odd occasions
that I catch a decent fish I gain that sense of reward that comes with having
worked for the prize.

On the day I also took my
son with me, who is showing an increasing interest in the sport, and is
beginning to learn and carve out his own direction. Duncan was great with Will
and was equally adept and patient communicating with a relative beginner.
Whilst the success of the
day was never going to be measured by me in what we caught, more by what we
learned and we learned absolutely loads, we did nonetheless also bag a few. I
managed a pb Mirror of 29lb 12oz on a small critically balanced piece of fake
corn fishing with the pellet cone, and also came within an ounce of my Crucian
pb with a 3lb 5oz fish. This was backed up with Tench, Rudd, a slightly smaller
Crucian and a Common. However it was one of Will’s fish that stole the show,
with a stunning 3lb 11oz Crucian, a new family pb and I was very proud of my
Duncan took it all in his
stride and expressed a degree of slight disappointment that it had been a tough
days fishing and was genuinely sorry that we hadn’t enjoyed more success.
It is precisely this mind-set and that sentiment that separates the top anglers
from the average guys like myself and drives them to keep refining things until
they have truly cracked it. The difference being that many of them
understandably keep the knowledge won through their hard work to themselves,
whereas Duncan is one of the guys who shares it freely.
I cannot recommend Duncan
highly enough, I will be booking again myself in the future.
02/10/17 – Up at
the crack of dawn once again and back on the banks of Johnsons to meet Carl and
Alex to create a Nash video. Can’t say too much about this apart from we gave
it everything, fishing an hour into darkness to catch our target species, succeeded
but it was far from easy. Link to follow.............
04/10/17 – Headed
down to Barton Court fishery to produce an Anglers Mail opener. Fished the stick
and maggot for plenty of bites from surprisingly dace along with lots of brown
trout and minnows!
05/10/17 – In the
office all day writing up yesterdays feature and my weekly ‘where to fish’
06/10/17 – A very
sad day as we lost one of the families pet, Snoopy from old age. Struggled to
get my head around anything serious after having to lay her to rest in the back
garden but at least we can talk to her everyday and remember her for all the
happiness she bought us all. Hopefully the dace will keep my mind occupied
tomorrow on the Bridge Pool.
10/10/17 – On the bank of Johnson Lake come 7am to meet dad
and Mick in the hope that the crucians may have switched on. Conditions great
with a nice S/W wind blowing into the ‘Chicken Bank’. I had made the mistake of
saying I would be arriving at 6.45am so they took advantage of this and duly
bagged the best swims at 6.30am, yet an hour later they were on the back foot
as it was four nil to me. Three tench and a 3lb 7oz crucian had graced my net
so I thought it time to help them out, tie up some new hooklinks and hope this
would bring them the odd bite, which it did. Come 1pm when we called it a day I
had taken one more tench, another crucian, again 3lb 7oz plus dropping one
which looked far bigger at the net along with the standard double figured
common. Dad managed two tench, one over 6lb and Mick three crucians to 3lb 5oz
and a tench. All in all an enjoyable session but rather cold. Winters just
around the corner.
11 & 12/10/17
– Back in the office for a couple of days, this time creating a Catch More
feature for AM as well as starting this week’s WFT column.
13/10/17 –
Another early morning this time heading to West Sussex to meet my good friend
Rikki Cooper who was confident he could put a 20lb plus pike on the bank in a
morning session for the camera! Did he do it? Well if you want to know, and the
venue he fished then you need to keep buying your copy of Anglers Mail each
16/10/17 – In the
office all day writing the pike feature for Rikki and Anglers Mail.
17/10/17 – Wanted
to be on a lake roach fishing at first light but after a sleepless night due to
a few fishy related things on my mind decided that I’d grab the carp kit and
head back to my local lake for one last go with the zigs. Swim free at last and
soon had a few carp mouthing around and just twenty minutes in landed the
first, a 14lb common. The action was then quite manic with five more carp
falling plus one lost from a hook pull. These weighed 15lb 13oz, 15lb 15oz,
17lb 7oz, 18lb 3oz and 20lb 3oz. Not bad for just three hours in the water.
Might off had another but with just thirty minutes to go before heading off to
pick the girlfriend up noticed a cygnet in distress. Yes, your all saying that
they are a pain in the arse but no one likes to see an animal suffering so
there was nothing else for it but to jump in the lake, get my knackers wet and
cold and save the swan from any pain. She was trailing sixty yards of line that
was attached round her next with the rig well out in the lake. After biting the
line she still had line around her neck and by this time had jumped out of the
lake and was heading down the track so
chasing her I managed to corner her, jump on top before removing the line and placing her back where she belonged, in the lake.
18/10/17 – After
such a fantastic day yesterday I had to take my dad back to experience such
great fishing however after arriving at first light it wasn’t long to realise
that something was different, the wind. Yesterday it was a nice S/Westerly yet
today it had swung 180 degrees and was now coming from the N/East. Although we
worked hard and got the odd fish showing it was obvious that they really
weren’t having it and come midday, some five hours later we threw the towel in
and headed home. How two days can be so different! Back at home it wasn’t long
before I was picked up by Thames fanatic Alan Muller, this time heading to one
of his favourite swims for barbel at Sunbury Lock. If you want to know how we
faired then keep buying your copy of Anglers Mail as all will be revealed.
19/10/17 – In the
office all day writing my AM column along with getting the tackle sorted for a
day’s guiding on the river Wye tomorrow.
23/10/17 – It’s
been a bit of a roller coaster couple of days; however a situation that had me
seeing the odd sleepless night has now been rectified for the best and I can
now once again relax and get my head around things. I was supposed to have been
shooting another feature for the Mail Saturday just gone but the weather
forecasters had sent out weather warnings about Storm Brian. To be honest I was
somewhat disappointed as I had more wind in my underpants than Brian did! Sorry
another case of the weather forecasters over exaggerating exactly what was
coming in certain regions and making us all batten down the hatches for no
reason at all. Thanks!
On a positive note my book sales have gone mad and I have
been constantly writing messages and signing the latest batch printed before
posting them out. Looking at my stock I’m going to have to make another call to
my printer tomorrow to get enough in for Christmas. If you want a copy then you
need to get in touch now, just email me at – and I will
forward everything you need to know?
24/10/17 – In the
office all day catching up with fishing related paperwork.
25/10/17 – Chris
my fishing mate wanted to have one last go at the carp on over-depth zigs and
although I told him it probably was too late in the year he insisted and in all
honesty with a gentle S/W wind and temperatures almost twenty degrees I thought
that we might just have a chance Things looked good an hour after arriving at
first light with a few carp cruising around and moving under our spodded out
slop but an hour later it looked like one got away with the rig, created a big
swirl on the surface and that was the last thing we saw of a carp so at 2pm
threw the towel in finally for this tactic this year.
27/10/17 – Spent
the day in the office writing features. Managed to get two Anglers Mail
features completed, my WFT column and a ‘Catch More’ on weir pool barbel.
28/10/17 – Another
office day, this time compiling a European roach article and tidying the tackle
shed as now it’s turned colder I can finally start thinking about perch,
grayling and roach.
31/10/17 – The
first frost of the winter has seen me sorting out the rods ready for perch
which will be one of my main targets this winter and with the next two days to
spare I will hopefully get off the mark either on the tidal Thames or down
south on Passies in West Sussex.
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