Monthly Report November 2016
November arrives and with it
comes the frosts. Good as I hate winters like last year when the mild weather
stays with us as this just keeps the options open for targeting so many
different species as opposed to fish such as roach, grayling and pike that
should be on my mind.
This winter grayling are firmly
fixed in my mind and although my target is a two-pounder, realistically beating
my old best of exactly three pound would be a dream come true and I’m on the
river that could do this the Frome. In fact first session on the river and
first bite came from a two-pounder so having this under my belt so early on
gives me the rest of the winter to concentrate on the stretch and see what it
has to offer. Last winter Chris and I also had grayling on our minds but as
previously mentioned the winter was far from ideal as we decided to target
these during Jan and Feb, a time when the rains came, flooded the river and
surrounding fields and made things almost impossible. This year we are not
going to make the same mistake.
One topic I’m going to cover
briefly this month is ‘split-shot’, or should this be called ‘shit-shot’ as it
doesn’t matter what I buy they seem to be useless, as every time I strike they
either move or come off. Pressing them harder on the line stops this to some
degree but then you run the risk of either damaging the line or not being able
to move them easily. It was a problem that I’ve become sick off, especially
when trotting a stick float so now I simply use an inline olivette to bulk shot
the float followed by a few Stotz as dropper shots. Problem solved, well that
is until the need to fish shirt button style!
Last month I also touched on the
subject of the massive carp that’s been caught again and the topic of should it
be claimed as a British record. Well when I wrote about it last month I thought
that this carp was one that had been born and grown on to such a weight in this
county, yet now I’m led to believe that it’s an Israie carp that found its way
into the country and a very big weight. I don’t know all the facts and in no
way should its origin remove any credibility from the anglers that have caught
it but it does change the way I feel about it being accepted as a new British
record, and in my mind it shouldn’t be.
As you can imagine I’ve fished in
some outrageous weather conditions before but this month found me on the banks
of the Dorset Frome trying to create an article for Anglers Mail. Not only did
it rain but the wind that blew across the flood plain was stupid and I had to
feel for the angler that was trying to control a float down the river. It wasn’t
until I said give me the rod, it’s done like this that I realised just how
difficult it was. This made the anglers day and made me feel a bit stupid but I
have learnt to keep my mouth shut in future as trying to cast in wind speeds of
well over 40mph with a pin is almost impossible. Fortunately before the wind
became dangerously powerful he managed to catch more than enough fish for the
feature, so it wasn’t a complete washout. The Frome was also the venue for my
last guided session and although this did fall in the month of December felt I
should include an image as it was a complete white out when we arrived, the
temperature was -7! Did we catch, off cause we did!
He I go again, me winging over
tackle shop opening hours! This month I headed to my local tackle shop for some
maggots only to find it closed at 4pm on a Thursday. What really gets me is I’d
taken time out to sort the bait so we could get an early start on the Frome the
following day, so finding this shop closed buggered me up in two ways. I’m
guessing this tackle shop had closed early due to the lack of customers,
however in reality how many customers have found themselves in a similar
situation and now don’t bother going there. If they are like me they only have
to be disappointed once and that’s it, that tackle shop only exists as a convenience
store which is a shame as I am all for supporting the local tackle shops but
sometimes they just don’t help themselves. To give a tackle shop an idea of how
a customer reacts then look at this - I went into a tackle shop 30years ago to
buy a reel. It was a time when buying on the internet was just coming into
fashion yet although I knew I could get the reel on line for £64.99 didn’t feel
comfortable doing so. In the shop the owner, after winging about us youngsters
always wanting a discount, said that he would give me some change from £70 and
on handing this over, which was a lot of money for me in those days, received
the reel back along with a one pence piece! No I’m not kidding and nor was the
tackle shop owner. I was in need of the reel quite badly so walked out of the
door truly pissed off, however have I ever stepped foot in his shop since, once
I think to collect some bait for an angler, will I ever step foot in it again,
not unless I have too!
There is a very good reason why a
carp angler goes to Yateley Angling Centre and an all-rounder like myself heads
to Apollo Angling at Marsh Farm as not only do they stock everything I want,
they never close shop during the day, supply quality bait, will price match an
item of kit found on the internet, are always helpful and friendly and even run
a loyalty card system.
I had to smile this month as it
seems that some young and very good anglers seem to think that starting at the
top is the way forward when it comes to sponsorship. I was going to write loads
on this subject but felt it best to keep it to a few wise words. If you want to
be noticed then just keep catching quality fish as there are eyes out there
looking and when they feel you are worthy of being signed up they will be in
touch. By seeming desperate and by splashing the sponsors names all over your
catch pictures/report is doing you no favours as everyone else will simply
ignore you and by doing so that sponsor, or in your case non-sponsor will just
ride your goodwill. Stop, be honest in what you are using and if you are good,
consistent and reliable then the opportunities will come. Back track some twenty
years and it was the capture of a 31lb 10oz pike that saw my opening with
Anglers Mail, then future captures in the same year in the shape of a 7lb 1oz
eel plus others saw the likes of Simon Scott, Paul Garner and Colin Davidson
taking note. It’s these guys that have looked after me ever since, yet it was
my dedication in catching big fish that saw them take note, and certainly
nothing else. If you’re an angler that is constantly in the news, keeping your
profile up to date in social media but setting your heights just a bit too
high then it’s worth knowing that some
of the best anglers in the country started right at the bottom as once you are on
the sponsorship ladder, then you will get noticed!
To anyone that attended Sandown
and wanted to catch up with me then I apologise as although I wanted to attend
Nash had such a good response in the team that my services weren’t needed. I
will be at the Big One at Farnborough in March so look forward to seeing you
A quick
look at my diary shows that this month was a good varied one for guiding,
features and personal sessions. I may well not have been on the bank for as
many sessions as I would have liked but the hours spent each session was well
up, at over eight hours! At a glance, watching as a customer caught three
personal best in one day, as well as four two-pound plus grayling on the Frome,
then purchasing a 15ft rod and showing an eager to return to such a venue gives
me so much pleasure. Catching my first personal best of the season, an 8lb 2oz
brownie from the same venue plus a number of 2lb plus grayling on the float has
also been enjoyable as it gives me the incentive to keep trying as that 3lb
plus grayling just has to show sooner or later.
Day to Day events.
01/11/16 – On the
road come 5.30am as off to the Frome to enjoy the first day of the Grayling
season. On the bank and fishing by 8am and first fish was my target for the
winter, a 2lb grayling. Banks expectedly busy but plenty of water and swim to
go at and enjoy. Managed maybe a dozen grayling including another two plus a
few brown trout on trotted corn, however if maggot was used then far more fish
would have been caught, yet the average size would have been far smaller. Can’t
wait to get back!
02/11/16 – Took
mum out for a game of golf. Needed a calculator to add up her score, yet I shot
a 35 on a par 31! Afterwards I headed out to sit with a friend who was after a
2lb roach. The temperature dropped dramatically after dark and the fish didn’t
really feed as all he managed were a few modest rudd.
03/11/16 – A full
day in the office wading through lots of fishy related jobs.
04/11/16 – Up
early and on the road come 6.15am, this time travelling to the river Wye to
join up with past Wye Champion Dave Roberts to create an ‘On the Bank’ feature
for Anglers Mail.
06/11/16 – Spent
most of the day writing up the OTB for AM along with lots of other fishy
related stuff.
07/11/16 –
Another day in the office, this time creating a roach feature for a European
08/11/16 – With a
customer wanting some stick float fishing on Thursday thought it best to take a
look at a couple of stretches to see what was fishing best. I wanted to go to
the tidal at Richmond but the tides were wrong and would have seen us having to
wade through the rush hour each way so I headed to the Thames at Staines,
however the low clear conditions and lack of flow saw just a couple of small
roach taken. In the afternoon I headed to the Blackwater and in just three
hours fishing managed around forty fish consisting of roach and perch to over a
pound along with small chub, dace a gudgeon. No guesses where we will be
09/11/16 – Loads
of overnight rain made me head to the river Loddon, however although it was up
a few inches it had no colour in it. I had to go to the river as needed to do a
brief assessment on it so thought I’d might as well cast a big lump of garlic
sausage in the river for an opportunist barbel but it wasn’t to be.
10/11/16 – Just
returned home after a fantastic guiding day on the river Blackwater. My
customer Ian wanted a day’s trotting and the river never disappointed as every
swim we visited provided bites, mainly from quality roach to well over the
pound, chub to 3lb 8oz plus dace, perch, gudgeon and a 7lb pike that grabbed a
roach on the way to the net. Initially we had said that a 20lb net of fish
would have been a result but with the addition of the pike we went well over
the top of this. Now where can you go and get quality fishing like this
11/11/16 – Conditions
were far from ideal for a social into darkness at Enton. Not only was it cold
with temperature falling to 1.5 degrees around 8pm but the full moon, cloudless
skies, clear water and lack of wind did little to raise our confident. As
expected it was tough, and the five hour session ended in a total blank for
myself and Tony with Alan managing a couple of rudd along with losing a fish.
12/11/16 – Up
early, this time visiting the Basingstoke canal to meet a couple of carp
anglers to create an Anglers Mail feature. Things didn’t quite go to plan as
the fish weren’t biting and the weather, well it rained constantly the whole
13/11/16 – Spent
a few hours tidying the tackle shed ready for a new roof next month as well as
sorting the tackle ready for a busy week ahead.
15/11/16 – Time
to head back down to Dorset, this time with a customer whose wife had bought
him three days guiding with me for Christmas last year. His wish was to beat
his previous best grayling of 10oz taken from the Wey many years before and if
possible up this too over two-pounds. Beating 10oz was a certain but getting a
two-pounder another story however if you want a fish of such magnitude then you
have to fish a river that gives you the best possible chance, so the Frome it
was. Meeting in Alton at 6.30am we were on the bank just gone 8am and as Ross hadn’t
done much trotting for a while headed to a swim which is like a nursery for
fish as its got lots of small brown trout and grayling up to a pound. Twenty
fish later and Ross had started to hone his skills so off we headed to a swim
far more demanding. Feeding corn it took quite a few trots to get a bite yet
when it came he found himself attached to his dream fish, a 2lb 6oz grayling.
Fortunately the weather conditions were ideal with little wind which makes
things far easier and almost every swim we covered produced fish. Come the end
of the day around fifty fish had been taken including a dace of 7oz, sea trout
to around 3lb (both personal bests) along with brown trout, salmon par and more
grayling including others weighing 2lb 4oz, 2lb oz and 2lb 5oz!
16/11/16 – Today
was a bit of a disaster as I learnt an important lesson and that’s not to mix
work with pleasure. The only saving grace was that I was able to spend time
with my father and girlfriends dad who caught a few ornamentals and the odd
better roach from a very low and under par Golden Ponds.
17/11/16 – Another
early start, 6.15am in fact and once again it was to be spent on the Frome to create
a trotting feature for grayling. Although we managed to get the feature sorted
it was far from easy as the wind increased to over 40mph which made trotting in
any form almost impossible. Come 2pm and with the clouds blackening we decided
to call it a day as fishing is supposed to be fun!

19/11/16 – In the
office all day catching up on fishy related stuff as well as cleaning and
sorting all the kit from the last few sessions.
21/11/16 – Another
day in the office, this time writing the words for an AM ‘On the Bank’, taking
a few images to go with this and sorting the kit for a day’s guiding tomorrow.
22/11/16 – Just
returned from a great mornings fishing with a customer at a local lake in which
he landed over 15lb of quality roach to over the pound on the float in less
than four hours.
24/11/16 – Up
early once again this time to team up with Paul Garner on a new venue to check
out its pike potential. Arriving before dawn we started in a shallow corner but
after two hours moved to the deepest corner yet another two hours past without
any activity. We then had the heads up that a few pike had shown early on
further along the bank so moved and fortunately caught three modest pike quite
quickly. Paul needed some images for a feature so although we were disappointed
at finding the fish late in the day we did at least get some quality action and
catch images. The venue has done pike well into the twenties and rarely gets
pike fished so I’m looking forward to returning to get amongst its bigger
26/11/16 – With
the Nash stand at Sandown being so well attended I was given the weekend off,
just as well as the girlfriends been off the last week, however did manage to
head to a local lake to try and catch a bag of roach for a feature. The target
was 15lb plus but the weather has taken a turn for the worst and has really
turned cold. Roach did grace the net, around 8lb of them in just three hours
but it was so cold that it wasn’t very enjoyable so with freezing toes and
fingers I decided to return in slightly more comfortable conditions.
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