Monthly round-up November 2014

With the mild weather continuing into
November Zander at Old Bury Hill were still high on the agenda.
Usually as soon as the water temperature drops they become tough,
even after dark yet with this holding up and a couple of customers
gagging to have a go we booked a date and enjoyed some non-stop
action even if the wet weather tried to spoil session. Around a dozen
zeds fell to their rods as well as the sardine munching scaly pest,
this time a mid-double common and the friendly badger made an appearance.

Another guiding
day saw me take out the winner of the TAC (Thames Anglers Conservancy
fish of the year completion who won with an amazing 5lb 7oz perch!
Wanting to catch his first barbel we headed to the Loddon and once
again found the river in far from great barbel condition, fining
down, yet we kept at it, had a great day out and he was eventually
rewarded with a good chub. Every TAC member can enter this
competition and it’s in remembrance of my good friend Richard Crimp
who sadly passed away earlier this year. So if you catch a great fish
out of the Thames forward this to Dave Harvey and who knows you might
win a day out on the bank with me and the great thing for me is that
I find out exactly where the winning fish comes from however I know
the spot the perch came from well but the days of tracking big fish
down, especially those at a distance or that involve loads of
obstacles are long gone.

My other customer,
Nick wanted something different that the standard sitting behind
buzzers waiting for a carp to show so I suggested that we head down
south and try our luck at grayling. Sadly with so much rain around we
decided to knock this on the head and try to catch some Stillwater
chub on the waggler. Well what a day this turned out to be as we
amassed a weight well over a hundred pounds with a high percentage
being our target species. Sometimes a change is so refreshing and I
think it did both of us the world of good, something to get the mind
working and a great confidence boost for our other ongoing campaigns.
In total my
guiding days totalled just three (3), slightly down on previous
months but due to constantly having to rearrange days organised for
such exclusions such as predator fishing the Thames, grayling fishing
on the Test/Itchen due to the heavy rain. Once the weather settles,
and December has dawned in a favourable way then it should be a busy
few months. The bad weather has allowed me to get ahead of myself
with feature writing. When I’m not casting a line or helping others
then its keyboard tapping time and along with three days on the bank
numerous other indoors has seen a number of features compiled
including two Anglers Mail Action Replays along with a couple of
Coarse Angling Today articles and numerous European article and bits
for Nash.

My own personal
outings have seen me fishing six times making it a total of 12
outings for the month which have totalled around 70hrs. Not a great
deal I have to admit but add a day on the Nash stand at Sandown, a
couple of weddings which takes up loads of my time not just taking
pictures on the day but manipulating them afterwards as well as a
pre-baiting campaign in which I’ve visited the venue on four
evenings towards the end of the month, well need I say more. This
little baiting campaign will see me actually fishing the venue early
December and to say I’m not eager to cast a line is an
understatement, in fact once this blogs written I will be sorting out
the helicopter rigs with big roach firmly embedded in my mind. Those
six sessions have seen myself target those massive silver bream at
Mill Farm fishery but sadly I never netted a two-pounder this year
and my biggest from the latest session was similar to those in the
spring 1lb 15oz. The session was spent with my father and that day we
once again caught loads including numerous carp plus a few tench and
perch to just under two pound in a bag of around 150lb! Three
sessions were spent targeting barbel on the Thames but with the river
at times almost un-fishable and 4oz plus leads needed the beards have
moved so apart form numerous bream it’s once again head scratching

If the weather
settles down then I’m expecting December to be far busy, well hours
spent on the bank that is and hopefully the secret roach lake will
come up trumps and supply me with a few two-pounders.
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