Targeting multiple species in a
Look, think, react!
A couple of season
ago I found myself targeting eels on a stretch of river more known
for its huge barbel. It was a muggy evening and recent rain had
coloured the water slightly. Not knowing what bait the eels would
prefer I had armed myself with plenty of freshly collected lobworms,
two off which had been cast downstream in deep water above a series
of trees and bushes that had fallen into the water. The other rod was
being used to catch a few small fish to use as dead bait sections. It
wasn’t long before a series of bleeps had me striking, it was still
a few hours before darkness, yet the culprit wasn’t my intended
quarry but a hungry perch. A few more followed before I decided to
wait till after dark to cast back out. Whilst catching bait fish I
was stunned as the biggest barbel I had ever seen surfaced, gulped
some air before leaving a series of bubbles as it made its way
upstream. How I wish I had bought some pellets but although I had
created a game plan before leaving and come with a two prong attack,
I had completely ignored the other species the venue contained. All
was forgotten the following morning as a huge eel had been landed on
the worms, all 6lb 9oz of it. Another of 4lb 5oz, an 8lb common plus
a bream had also been taken, all on the worms and all during
darkness. It was a red-letter day to say the least but I also knew
that I had wasted more than five hours of daylight, periods either
side of darkness, ones normally associated with the best feeding
periods for a number of species, ones that could have been used more
effectively. I’m not saying barbel and chub wont pick up a juicy
lobworm, I’ve had more than my fair share pick one up in the hours
of darkness, yet using them during daylight was a non-starter due to
the small fish. If I had taken some pellets, who knows what the end
result would have been that night!

Since that day I
have always thought about what other species the venue I’m fishing
contain, making sure that these are not overlooked during periods of
the day when my intended species is reluctant to feed.
Returning to the
same venue on numerous future sessions I always fished for
barbel/chub during the hours of daylight, then when it was dark
enough and the perch not problematic change over to lobworm for eels,
before reverting back to the pellet at dawn. One memorable night I
will never forget was in August 2010, its documented much better in
my book ‘Evolution of an angler’ but in general I caught a 5lb
4oz chub along with a 13lb 3oz barbel on pellet, both in the morning,
plus a 12lb 11oz barbel on worms plus a modest eel in darkness, yet
it was a massive eel I lost in the night that could have made this
one of the most remarkable multi-species captures in recent years!

Many will say,
taking numerous rods and set ups is just over complicating things,
yet a 1.5lb T/C rod will cope with big barbel, chub and eels on a
river, so thinking about what you taking isn’t an excuse, as most
situations can be dealt with without complicating things and I have
to say the one piece of terminal tackle that has revolutionised my
type of angling in recent years is the Quick-Change bead!

Let’s take a look at different
species and their general feeding habits. Obviously these maybe
different depending on water clarity and the time of the year.
Bream – Big bream, I mean double
figured bream, are mostly nocturnal feeders with the first two hours
into darkness best then another feeding period just before dawn that
can continue for an hour or so into daylight. After these couple of
daylight hours it’s often a case of waiting till darkness again and
this feeding pattern doesn’t really change that much throughout the

Tench - Regarded as a daylight feeder
and in my experience mornings are far better than evenings. The
exception to this is in the depth of winter when tench seem to become
Eels - Apart from in the depth of
winter I know of few waters that produce big eels during daylight.
This applies to flowing water as well as stillwaters.

Crucian Carp – A summer species that
disappear once the first few frosts arrive. Yes they can be caught
during the day, but in my experience they are far more active at dusk
and for the first two or three hours of darkness.
Barbel – Well this will raise a few
eyebrows! If more anglers fished daylight hours and approached each
swim in a stealthy manner then I’m sure more anglers would agree
that barbel feed best in daylight. The reason most would say that a
few hours into darkness are best is because a large majority of
anglers turn up just before darkness to fish.
Chub – Well active during daylight
hours, however some of my best chub have been taken just into
darkness, however chub are opportunist feeders and if they are hungry
then they will take a bait whatever the hour.
Carp – On rivers such as the Thames
they are very nocturnal, yet on stillwaters I would prefer to fish
daylight hours than after dark, however low light is always
productive, dawn and dusk.
Catfish – Similar to bream, they
seem to be most active a few hours into darkness and again at dawn.
Perch/Pike – Predominately daylight
feeders with mornings best, yet there are exceptions and I know a few
waters that produce after dark.
Zander – Dusk and a couple of hours
into darkness are best.
Rudd – Evenings and a few hours into
dark are best.

Roach – Probably the most difficult
to predict. On stillwaters during the summer and autumn they are very
nocturnal, yet come winter and spring they feed better during
daylight. Big roach on rivers are caught regularly during daylight,
yet if I had a choice, late afternoons and a few hours into darkness
would be my preferred times.
Let’s look at a couple of my venues
where multi-species targeting is most noticeable:

Frensham Great
Pond, a shallow, clear and sometimes weedy venue. Arriving late
afternoon in the summer, rudd will be on my mind with sprayed maggot
and the waggler being my preferred method. After a few hours into
darkness the rudd will disappear, time to cast out the eel rods. As
soon as the light starts to illuminate to the lake I will be up and
using the same rod and float with tench on my mind, however this time
I will be using groundbait. During the main part of the day very few
tench, rudd or eels will be caught so if I were to stay for 24hrs
then would have no problem casting carp rods out and getting some
Westhampnett, a
deep clear gravel pit that’s often weedy. Targeting the big bream
in spring, I would have no problem having a few hours up to dusk
using lobworm in the hope of big perch. Doing this I would know that
I haven’t effected my bream results, as rarely if ever, have I
caught bream during the hours leading up to darkness. It was my
brother that stole the show on one occasion regarding the perch.
Frimley Pit 2 a
small intermit medium depth venue with few features apart from a
central island. My main target was tench and these fed best in the
afternoon. Come darkness I changed the maggot and helicopter tactics
to corn stacks. Initially it was big bream that fell to this, yet
come the early hours the carp became active (quite strange), and once
the sun rose the lake died till the afternoon when the tench started
feeding again.
The above three
venues I fished hard, either over a short period or over a number of
years and slowly became in tune with how each ticked. The river
Loddon however, was one that took just weeks to understand, although
I had fished the river for barbel for years, so had a great
understanding of it before setting out

So what is this
article trying to promote, you may ask? Are you a carp angler, a pike
angler, or in fact an angler? I classify myself as the latter,
someone who is appreciative of what ever comes along, especially if
it’s caught by design. Maximising my time on the bank and the
rewards each session can provide is extremely important as the reason
I go fishing is to catch fish. All I ask is that you look at the
venue, what’s in front of you, and then fish to the best of your
ability. If we all did then the fish wouldn’t stand a chance!
Next time you’re
at a venue and setting up – Look, think, react!