If you fancy a guided day fishing for roach then why not email me for prices and availability - duncancharman@me.com
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Fantastic roach fishing...
If you fancy a guided day fishing for roach then why not email me for prices and availability - duncancharman@me.com
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Tough day on the Wye
Tough day on the Wye
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Is this my last crucian?
Keep up to date with everything I do each month by looking out for my monthly blog, usually posted within days of each month starting.
I recently spent a day in the good company of Carl and Alex from Nash making another of their brilliant videos. Did the crucians play ball or was it a frustrating day? Keep looking on Nash Tackle's website for this exclusive video coming soon!
Short session specialist, or not?
I had planned to meet my dad the following day for a spot of crucian fishing but I just had to let him experience such fantastic fishing, however after five hours of feeding and just a couple of signs of carp we threw in the towel. Time for a new tactic!
If you fancy learning the art of zig fishing in a day then make a date with me next year as unfortunately it time to move on to other species. I will be carp fishing over the winter but its going to be another new tactic I need to master. Will I do it?
If you fancy a days guiding for roach, perch, chub, grayling and possibly pike then these are the species that I will be concentrating on from now on.
Email me for more details - www.duncancharman.me.com
Monday, 9 October 2017
The famous Bridge Pool, Christchurch
Personal best fall on recent guided day.
Personal best fall on recent guided day.

A recent trip to Johnson Lake under the guidance of Duncan Charman saw Scott and Will both catch personal bests. Scott upped his carp best with a fish known as 'The Peach' weighing 29lb 12oz and Will smashed his personal best crucian with this stunner weighing 3lb 11oz.
For more details see my end of the month round-up and if you want more details on guided day cost/availability then please email me - duncancharman@me.com
A recent trip to Johnson Lake under the guidance of Duncan Charman saw Scott and Will both catch personal bests. Scott upped his carp best with a fish known as 'The Peach' weighing 29lb 12oz and Will smashed his personal best crucian with this stunner weighing 3lb 11oz.
For more details see my end of the month round-up and if you want more details on guided day cost/availability then please email me - duncancharman@me.com
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Monthly report - September 2017
Monthly Report September 2017
I don’t have to keep saying it’s
been another manic month as is everyone nowadays. Looking at my statistics I
been on the bank thirteen times either fishing for myself (8), creating
features (1) or guiding (4) which is the sort of mix that suits me. Most of my
fishing has been based around short sessions either zigging for carp or
targeting crucians and both have been extremely rewarding along with introducing
Alan Blair to an urban hotspot. The one feature that I created was on the
Thames in search of a zander but although one never showed the predator action
was simply explosive. The four guiding sessions have all been on rivers, one
for perch and the other three on the Wye for barbel. All were successful trips,
yet driving to the Wye and back in a day does take some doing!
Day to Day events.
02/09/17 – Spent
a few hours starting my weekly Anglers Mail ‘Where to Fish’ column.
even have time to turn the second alarm on when a big drop back saw the first of four carp falling in just two
hours to my new found wonder rig. Unfortunately after the forth carp they seem to drift off and the next two hours saw absolutely nothing happen but once again I think I know the reason they left my swim. The four carp landed weighed 11lb, 18lb 2oz, 22lb 3oz, all commons and a 22lb 5oz mirror.
05/09/17 –
Complete day in the office.
07/09/17 – So
annoyed at one particular angler
who didn’t read his Farnham Angling Society
membership book regarding the third FAS barbel teach-in and then decided to
ignore three signs clearly stating that the river was closed. The reason that
the river is closed is to give time for the fish to settle and allow the six
anglers the best possible chance in catching. Unfortunately one of my biggest
edges that I explain to these anglers is the importance of being the first
angler in a swim as once someone else has been there then the chances of
catching are almost nil. Not only did this angler kill the bottom two fields
but three poachers then killed the top field. Thanks!
11/09/17 – The
last lay-in before the lady has a run of early’s so made the most of it before
getting my head down to the standard Monday chores which included around four
hours organising the tackle room, returning emails etc and getting kit sorted
for a busy few days on the bank.
12/09/17 – On the
bank at 7.30am to have a few hours with my dad crucian fishing. Can’t
understand why some days Johnson Lake is so busy and then others, like today
are almost empty? After having such a productive session a week or so ago we
headed to the Railway Bank and although the skies were bright and cloudless and
the temperature was just seven degrees it didn’t take long for the first
crucian to grace my net. This steady action continued till early afternoon and
come 1pm when we headed home we had taken sixteen crucians to 3lb 10oz and two
tench. I quickly popped into the Apollo Angling as I left and found some
brilliant inline cage feeders made by Guru which I will be putting into action
tomorrow on the Thames as well as buying a fishing rod, the first in probably
twenty years, a 12ft Drennan Acolyte Carp Waggler rod which I’m hoping is going
to be powerful enough to tame the odd Wye barbel next week? Fingers crossed!
13/09/17 – On the
road come 7am, this time heading to the tidal Thames. An hour and a half later
I arrived, 30 minutes to do 26 miles then an hour to do 4 and then to find the
tide right down which was strange as high tide was meant to be at 8.18am! Think
it might have been something to do with the dangerously strong westerly wind
which we under estimated and saw white water and waves heading downstream
towards Richmond! It would have been so easy to turn around but knowing rush
hour was upon us we madly set up and fished till 1pm in which time we managed a
handful of roach, mostly around 12oz, a small bream and one clonking dace.
15/09/17 – The
alarm sounded at 4am, yes 4am and come 5.30am I was in the good company of Alan
Blair standing in pitch darkness next to a normally productive barbel swim.
It’s always difficult introducing someone to a new river, especially to a river
that I’m not that familiar with but I was so confident that first run down with
a piece of meat would see him battling a hard fighting beard on his 6ft
Shot-Gun, however come an hour later and still the rod failed to bend. I headed
upstream and fared the same before finding Alan someway downstream, well
excited having found some carp but also somewhat frustrated at missing two
chances off the top. It wasn’t long though before he staggered into my swim
with the smile of a Cheshire cat as in the folds of his landing net lay the
most beautiful zip lenear you could ever which to catch. Never one to slow down
he soon had another in the net, this time a small kio before the carp backed
off into an area difficult to fish, however Alan wasn’t fazed and was soon in
the river, risking getting a right boot full and following them but even these
extreme measures weren’t enough. Heading upstream we located more carp but no
barbel and after I managed a chub around 4lb on the float we headed back to our
original position only to see Alan lose the same linear at the net and myself
finding a swim absolutely stacked full of silver fish.
16/09/17 – At
last a lay-in before a few fishy hours in the office.
20/09/17 – Been
looking forward to my office backdrop toady as I would be aboard a small boat
floating about on the river Thames with Jason Vorster, a great lure angler in
search of a few oversized predators. Jason certainly produced the goods but if
you want to see just what we caught then you will have to keep buying your
weekly Anglers Mail magazine as the feature will be appearing here soon. If you
are an avid lure angler take a look at – www.lucklurebox.co.uk
Amazingly back in the office I was able to write the article up and get it off
my mind as the next couple of days are to be spent on the river Wye.
Hereford and District Angling Association – wwhdaa.blogspot.co.uk
– membership just £50 per season!
Woody’s Tackle Centre – 67 White Cross Road, Hereford, HR4
0DQ. Tel: 01432 344644 – www.woodysangling.co.uk
FFF Feeders – Fisky’s Fantastic Feeders Face book. Price
list email Paul at - fiskysfantasticfeeders@yahoo.com
25/09/17 – Was
hoping to head to the lake for a spot of carp fishing but due to heavy
overnight rain thought I’d bring a trip to my publishers in Kent, Calm
Productions forward to pick up some books that they have kindly offered me to
sell? Was hoping they were by the door and that a fork lift would be able to
load the two pallets into the hired Luton Van but sadly not as I had to load
them two boxes at a time. Eight books in a box weighing 1.2kg each, nigh on
ninety boxes, to say I was sweating come completion is an understatement but I
did have someone to help one end and my poor dad the other end. I wasn’t that
worried until I read that the Luton had a weight limit of 500kg, Ouch, work it
out. As you can imagine it was a very slow drive home and missing the traffic
each way was a blessing, but things were going too good, and a nightmare was
about to hit me as after being distracted by my neighbour I forgot to lift the
tailgate and crunch, yes it wasn’t pleasant as I drove out the drive.
Fortunately the guy at the hire company needs to go to Speck Savers as he
completely missed the scratches.
If you fancy a signed copy I can now offer them at reduced
rate of just £10.99 plus P&P, (normally £25). If you are interested then simply email me at
26/09/17 – A
rough night meant that I never made it to the lake until 10.30am and with just
three and a half hours to spare knew that I would be up against it but constant
feeding eventually fed the birds off and a few carp started to show an
interest. Unfortunately the first bite saw a good fish kiting into the shallows
and with the lead not falling saw the hook pull. I wasn’t expecting anything
else but shortly before having to call it a day managed another bite which
resulted in a common weighing 22lb 9oz.
29/09/17 –
Although it’s the Ladies day off, and tomorrow, I still managed to not only
finish of this week’s AM column but also get well on the way with next week’s
‘where to fish’ piece. This is because I see another manic week approaching.
Sunday I’m guiding, Monday and Tuesday on the bank with Carl & Alex
producing another Nash video then on Wednesday heading off to the Kennet to
produce an AM feature. This leaves Thursday and Friday to not only write up the
Kennet feature, finish my ‘where to fish’ column along with feeing enough time
up to see if the carp are still taking zigs and treating my mum to a well overdue
9 holes of golf before heading down to Christchurch on Saturday for a fishing
treat. All will be revealed next month...
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