Monthly round-up – August 2015
and Rain
what a month August was in terms of weather, rain, rain and more
rain. I really can see why lots of Brit’s immigrate abroad to
Australia and New Zealand now as this month was just depressing.
Couple the crap weather with a four week tooth ache and I’m really
glad to see the back of August and with the nights becoming chilly it
really is time to start putting the time in on the riverbank and
placing the net under a few big barbel.
at the diary inputs I’m really not surprised to see that my
personal sessions on the bank, five in total accumulated to just
twenty-nine hours in total. The guiding session also totalled five
with thirty-nine hours spent bankside and feature sessions again
totalled five and twenty-three hours.
– Up early in order
to get on top of things and the first job was to write up and collate
images taken from the visit with Dean Lock at Monks last Friday. I
wasn’t expecting to complete and forward this to Anglers Mail but
come midday it had gone giving me plenty of time to get sorted for
another Venue Expert, this time with Alan Muller on the Loddon come
frustrating evening as the top stretch at Stanford has at least five
anglers on it so headed downstream to the harder lower beat. Fishing
till 11pm it was far from easy but finally we managed to get the job
– After getting all the bait and terminal kit sorted for the Barbel
Teach-in headed to the Loddon at Stanford to meet six anglers in the
hope of catching a barbel or two. The conditions looked good and a
few fish were caught. The whole write up can be seen in a previous
post on my website.
always good to get some feedback; here are a few words from one of
the anglers that attended –Thanks
for your time and sharing your vast knowledge and experience with us.
I’m sure we’re all better anglers for it. Great Photo, still so
happy with the P.B. Thanks again.
– Spent the morning backing up files from my old computer as well
as writing a feature for Coarse Angling Today and FAS on the 3rd
Barbel Teach-in. Come the afternoon I grabbed the barbel kit as it
was my turn to bait the river and with a few hours to spare decided
to cast a line as well.
– Today was all about getting a few bread punch articles sorted so
I headed to Waggoner’s Wells where from 1pm to 5pm I put together
around 15lb of mainly roach along with the odd bonus fish which
included a 2lb purple crucian!
– First thing I headed to Badshot Lea to see how my dad and
girlfriend’s dad were doing. I was expecting them to be struggling
however both were catching bream around 4lb on helicopter rigs along
with Mick’s standard carp of around 15lb. Back in the office it was
time to finish off all the articles pending as well as the standard
office jobs.
– Spent the day writing articles for Anglers Mail Blog page, adding
a few things to my website and face book pages as well as getting the
tackle ready for a day’s guiding tomorrow.
– Alarm sounded at 4am and arrived at Mill Farm Fishery at 5.45am
to meet Mark my customer for the day. The day before had seen heavy
downpours all day with localised flooding and with so much water
going through the lake we knew it would either fish its nuts off or
be difficult. Unfortunately it was the later with the carp very
inactive till later in the day. The silver bream and roach kept Mark
busy however it was a case of altering things constantly to keep them
coming and come the end of the day he had put together lots of bream
to over the pound and plenty of quality roach to 1lb 6oz plus the odd
tench and maybe eight carp to 12lb.
– Keeping the barbel campaign going as visited the river and baited
– Filled to the brim with Nerofen headed to Broadwater as needed a
catch image for an Anglers Mail feature. Can’t say it was a big
success but not a complete failure as managed to get all the images
needed to complete the feature in just a couple of hours.
– Time to start getting some video work done so headed to Marsh
Farm’s Harris Lake, however ended up on Johnsons due to a match.
Was it a success! Well if you haven’t seen the video it’s well
worth watching as I give, not all, but loads of tips and secrets in
catching loads of fish on the venue (I’m going to say this now as I
just know someone will do a feature saying, Catch crucians my way.
Well when they do, you can give them the same solute as me as you
know you read it here first!)
– Well what can I say about today, just fantastic. Another early
morning saw me finally arriving at the river Loddon at 8am to meet
William and young Jake. It was a return visit to see if we could
catch Jake his first ever barbel. How did we do, well if you keep up
to date with both my Face Book posts and Blog entries you will know!
– Another early alarm call, this time 4.30am! This was basically to
meet a friend on the river Loddon and catch a barbel for a feature
which we achieved in our allocated two and a half hours fishing. Back
home it was simply a case of checking the text file for the article,
taking a couple of new images and sending everything to Anglers Mail.
– Another emergency visit to the dentist reveals I have a dry
socket and now having to take antibiotics tablets for a few days. By
the time everything was sorted it was mid afternoon so I decided to
brave the wet weather and head to the river. Arriving at 5pm I was
surprised that it wasn’t up and coloured and come 10pm the tooth
ache was making the experience far from enjoyable and with no bites
forthcoming headed home.
– After a lost day yesterday I made up for things today and managed
to get plenty of words done for future Anglers Mail features. It
would have been nice to get the images sorted as well but it’s been
another day of rain and with this forecasted to stop in the early
evening I met Chris to see if we could tempt anything. Can’t say
too much on what happened as the last thing we want is to draw
attention to ourselves by publishing our results, however stay posted
as all will be revealed soon.
– With loads of articles and angling related things needing doing
it was another day in the office.
– A morning in the office before heading off to Enton to see if the
crucians were still feeding. Unfortunately just two around 2lb 8oz
showed and this was from around two dozen fish caught which was made
up of lots of small carp ranging from a few ounces up to around 4lb.
As evening drew in I scoped the landing net through the margins and
couldn’t believe that every scope saw around 50 one inch carp
netted and as I wound in at 10pm I couldn’t believe that a two inch
carp had tried to swallow my corn hook bait and was fairly hooked in
the mouth. Worrying times I feel are in store for Enton over the
coming few months.
– Today from 8am was spent on the banks of the river Loddon and I
experienced one of those days we all get from time to time. I was
hoping to create another video with young Tom so dropped into my
banker swim first. Forty minutes past before a tap was noticed
followed by the standard barbel three-foot twitch, yet disaster
struck. For no apparent reason contact wasn’t made and I wound in a
hooklink that had been cut off. Thoughts that a pike or chub may have
swallowed the bait before biting through the hooklink (chub can do
this using the crunching pads in their throats) or that I had a
weakness in the link, yet this was a new hooklink and I haven’t
experienced this before. The bite had barbel written all over it so I
can only assume that the hooklink rubbed against something sharp like
a stone or branch. Later I spoke to another angler who confirmed my
thought that something sharp was in the swim as he too had lost a
barbel in what he thought were tree roots. Obviously something has
been washed down in the recent rains and become lodged within the
swim, I just hope it moves on soon as without this swim catching
going to be somewhat difficult.
– If I wasn’t knackered enough from burning the candle at both
ends then today was going to be a long one as the alarm sounded at
5am! Meeting fellow Nash man Chris Petter at Marsh Farm at 6am we
headed down to Essex, Rochford Reservoir to help out at a Nash ‘Get
the kids involved’ day with Alan Blair. Fortunately the rain stayed
away and a few fish were landed and all-in-all a really enjoyable
day, apart from the drive home in the rain.
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