Monthly Report February 2018
Well what can I say about
February? Not a great deal really apart from the weather that has hampered
every angler across the country from getting out. To be honest I would much
prefer the winter to be consistently cold as not only can us anglers get acclimatised
to it but so can the fish. Sadly getting a consistent winter rarely happens and
the ever changing temperatures and conditions just play havoc with everything.
‘The beast from the East’ maybe upon us but at least spring won’t come too
early and when it does the fishing should be superb.
Anglers that keep a close eye on
my Facebook page will see that I have had to reduce the information that I
bring to them. This is simply down to a few pathetic readers that seem to just
want to give negative feedback. This all started when I posted the picture of a
dozen or so bream on a mat which really was simply done to show that if you
choose the right day and swim and then fish the right rig catching in such appalling
conditions is possible. One angler mentioned the 50lb limit allowed in a
keepnet however I have four at my disposal so who said I was only using one? You! Assumption
is a dangerous thing my friend and who are you to discuss fish welfare when you
are happy to impale a hook within a fish’s mouth. Maybe you should take up golf
if it bothers you that much or after telling me that you blanked on the same
venue just days before in far better conditions get some angling guidance. So
to all my Facebook friends who used to enjoy my informative posts and helpful
advice blame these pedantic so called anglers for my rethink.
The traditional close season on
our rivers seem to be filling the news at the moment and I have to say that I
would hate to see it abolished however after such a horrendous winter I do feel
that there may be some cause to rethink the dates. I’m no expert but how many
fish are actually spawning at the moment? Pike, perch even roach and dace may
start early but as for barbel I think that they would be going through this
ritual much later on so in my mind keeping the rivers open to say mid April
would not only be productive for the river anglers but also protect species
such as barbel when they are most vulnerable. Don’t get me wrong if we were to
extend this to mid April then I would want the season opening mid July, however
I have this horrible feeling that if this goes to a vote then there is a very
high chance that it will be abolished and for me it will be a very sad day when
it happens.
On a better note, spring isn’t
that far away. Once this cold snap moves on and the wind changes direction
things should start to liven up. The lengthening days has already seen a few
tench waking up so give it a couple of weeks and fish should be crawling up our
rods and the horrid winter a distant memory.
I still have a few copies of my
book ‘Evolution of an Angler’ available at the stupid price of £10.99 plus
P&P, however I am down to maybe a
dozen after the Christmas rush so if you want one then now is the time. Email
me –
Guiding vouchers are also popular
as Birthday presents so why not treat your angling partner to a present with a
difference. If you’re stuck for ideas then this maybe the solution. Again email
me for more details –
Day to Day events.
03/02/18 – Managed
a few hours perch fishing on the river this morning with Chris and Aaron. Fishing
by 8am in glorious rain and a chilly temperature of just 5 degrees best. The
river looked good and we all caught, albeit mostly pike yet Aaron did the
business as usual and managed a decent perch. Keep an eye out in Anglers Mail
for a feature from him soon.
04/02/18 – In the office all day feature
writing and getting some library images done.
05/02/18 – Spent
the day sorting the words for a WTF opener feature.
06/02/18 – Another
office bound day, this time doing my weekly WFT column.
08/02/18 –
Getting last few images to complete articles, rewriting European articles for this country and then headed to
the FAS AGM where I was voted in at being the clubs new President.
09/02/18 –
Another day in the office and once again getting a few things that have been
hanging around out of the way. Although the cough hasn’t disappeared I’m
thinking come next week I will be fighting fit and gagging to cast a line.
12/02/18 - After
a couple of hours in the office headed to the river in the hope of a big chub.
Fished an area that has done the odd six of late, but also an area that has
never been kind to me in the past. After depositing tow pints of dead maggot in
the swim placed a bait and waited. Three hours later at 7.15pm, without a sign
and with frost on all the tackle headed home. I did have a good fish come
upstream past me so the baited spot failed but at least I have a bit more space
in the freezer! Good to get out, even if it was just for a few hours in far
from good conditions.
13/02/18 – Managed
to get an Anglers Mail WTF Opener sorted and uploaded on Wylands along with
spending time on the keypad simply getting information for up and coming
confident as it was running a chalky green colour, pushing through but fining down, however the bait I had bought was bread yet my good friend Tom had mentioned it fished well with some colour. First swim saw two clever fish pinch my hookbait before a chub of around 3lb killed the swim. Next swim and an immediate bite produced another around 3lb. Third swim nothing, however the last two both produced chub weighing 4lb 12oz and 4lb 14oz, not bad for a two hour session in spring like conditions of 11 degrees.

19/02/18 – Ahead
of myself again after writing up my WTF column nice and early. Another good
week for book sales and now getting close to having to make that decision
whether to get another 100 printed. Feeling quite good as usually I have loads
of icons, which mean jobs pending on the left-hand side of my computer screen but
its 2.30pm and there’s nothing! That means get the rods out, well at least
tomorrow morning and then again on Wednesday and Thursday as these are booked
in as guiding days. Aiming to keep ahead of myself as this will allow me to get
out and make the most of it when a good day comes along but looking ahead the
weather isn’t getting any better soon.
20/02/18 – The
end of the short mild spell is in sight so I headed out to my local Badshot Lea
Big Pond for a spot of bream fishing before it arrived. Conditions ideal,
overcast, mild with a N/W wind and A/P on 1019mb, maybe not quite ideal! The
trip was really to see if it was an option my the dads to head out this early,
the answer yes, yet it looks like with falling night temperatures to -4
forecasted for the week ahead, they will have to wait. In four hours fishing
the devastating helicopter rig, groundbait feeder and maggot I took 25 bream
averaging 5lb, the best probably 7lb and a roach bream hybrid of around 3lb
8oz. Not bad for February! Back in the office well before midday as I need to
get the tackle ready for two consecutive guiding days on the river, one
trotting for roach, the other for perch.
21/02/18 – We all
get them, one of those days when as hard as you try, getting a proper bite just
doesn’t happen. Unfortunately such a day fell whilst I was guiding one of my
regular customers John who wanted an introduction to the river Blackwater and a
spot of roach fishing on the punch and stick float. We arrived as the sun was
rising and went straight into what’s known as a ‘banker’ swim only to receive
the grand total of no bites. We then tried five more swims that usually produce
for the grand total of five small roach. Thinking the roach just weren’t having
it we changed tactics and headed to another stretch in the hope of a few chub.
Dropping in eight swims and offering a big lump of flakes we received just the
odd tentative pluck! I then received a call from my good friend Lewis Deeks who
was on the Test at Broadlands who informed me that he couldn’t buy a bite! It
then dawned on me that there was something in the air that was putting
everything off feeding as if you can’t get a bite from a grayling then we were
up against it. Undeterred we then headed to the river Wey where just days
earlier I had caught a number of chub but six swims later and just one pluck
for our efforts we decided enough was enough and threw the towel in!

27/02/18 – Would
you believe it, the coldest night of the winters forecasted and my boiler
ignition has failed, bugger........Hopefully my mate Barrie will be able to fix
it, fingers crossed. Wrapped up warm and wrote my Anglers Mail WTF column so
I’m still working a week ahead of myself.
28/02/18 –
Fortunately it wasn’t a cold night as Barrie managed to fix the fault, with everything frozen spent another day in the office getting
fishy related items sorted.