Apologies for not having a monthly report for June but with a two week holiday and office work time on the bank has been limited.
Wet, wet, wet at Frensham.

returning from a couple of weeks in the Dominican Republic I was hoping to top
the tan up however the English weather had other ideas and my first guided trip
back to Frensham Great Pond coincided with the first rains for weeks. Lewis
bravely agreed to keep with our plans and brave the weather forecast and was
rewarded with this fine tench, a perch plus two rudd that didn't quite make the
two pound barrier. Close but no cigar as they say but there is still plenty of
time to increase his best of 2lb 2oz caught with me last year.
7lb 2oz Frensham tench to customer.
By all accounts the fishing at Frensham has been
a bit 'hit and miss' this year with the tench spawning on opening and really
not getting their heads down since. My latest guided session saw Barrie setting
his stall out for tench and with a nice westerly pushing into our faces and
cloud cover above things looked great for a hectic session. Yet, as it is so
often with Frensham the fish had other ideas and even though we worked hard,
ringing the changes and constantly casting the bumper call never materialized
yet our efforts were rewarded with four big tench the best not far off Barrie's
personal best at 7lb 2oz.
If you fancy a guided trip for tench or rudd at this fantastic venue then why not email me - duncancharman@me.com for availability and prices.