Monthly Report April 2017

To be honest, did I ever think
that I would reach all my deadlines before heading off to France? No. But
everything went to plan and the fish needed to create a couple of features
fortunately came along. The only downside was any planning for a week’s carp
fishing pretty much was left to the last minute, however things went really
smoothly and some fantastic fish graced mine and fishing buddy Chris’s net
(sorry about the victory ritual image). I’m going to do a separate write up in
a couple of weeks as its only fair that my sponsors Nash Tackle and Bait get
the images first and do what needed to be done with them, so keep checking
their website
(Nash Knowhow and News/Article section) and official Nash Face Book page for
updates. We also took some video footage, our first attempt which is with my
good mate Tom Aldous who is doing the editing. Once again I will post a message
here as well as on my Face Book page when it’s ready, but be warned, it does
contain scenes of nudity!
Apart from the French trip I did
manage to get out for myself three times, all to Johnsons, however I can’t say
that I enjoyed it that much as once again it was rammed with anglers, probably
due to the unseasonably warm weather. Crucians to 3lb 14oz came along plus a
few tench, so this was the second on my spring targets ticked off the list,
along with the golden orfe taken earlier. A couple of anglers also tasted the
delights of Newdigate, Neal Webb who I posted a separate blog and Barrie
Edwards who enjoyed catching his first orfe plus the odd tench.
We are now into the month of May,
late spring/early summer but the weathers doing its best to tell us winters not
yet gone. All will change very soon, well that’s if this horrid north east wind
buggers off!
Day to Day Events.
03/04/17 – Having
to work ahead of myself for my ‘Where to Fish’ column due to Easter so spent
the day writing this before grabbing the kit and heading to Johnsons for a spot
of crucian fishing. Although the odd crucian is showing, they are still few and
far between and only three modest tench came my way.
04/04/17 –
Another day in the office finishing off the ‘Where to Fish’ column before
getting the kit ready for a trip to Newdigate tomorrow in the hope of a
customer catching a golden orfe.
05/04/17 – Up at
5am and on the road come 6am heading towards Newdigate to meet my customer for
the day, Neal Webb who wanted to see if he could catch his first golden orfe.
First cast and a tench turns up, quickly followed by two 2lb orfe before the
lake dies. Another tench around 5lb slips up late morning before a 20lb mirror
is coaxed in on a size 16 hook! A five pound plus orfe would have been the
icing on the cake but instead Neal had to take his first ever golden tench
before losing an even bigger carp. Not bad on a day of no cloud and a chilling
north wind.
06/04/17 – Spent
the afternoon proof reading a number of Carp Crew articles for Anglers Mail.
07/04/17 – Up again
at 5am this time to meet my dad at Johnsons in the hope of a big crucian. The
weather man had forecasted a cloudy day but it should have been a cloudless day
as blue skies greeted us once the mist had risen. Temperature down overnight to
4 degrees and a wind that couldn’t make its mind up meant we were in for a
gruller but I managed two bites come midday from crucains weighing 3lb 2oz and
3lb 14oz; however dad couldn’t buy a decent bite, payback time!
08/04/17 &
09/04/17 - Two days spent on the Nash stand at The Big One at Farnborough.
Saturday was quite, probably due to the Grand National; however Sunday’s
attendance certainly made up for things as the place was rammed. As always it
was great catching up with all the punters, lots of my customers as well as
doing the rounds and meeting up with lots of friends.
10/04/17 – A day
in the office writing another AM article, getting the kit ready for a day’s
guiding tomorrow as well as doing loads of fishy paperwork.
11/04/17 –
Arrived at Newdigate for just after 7am and once again greeted with a bright
blue sky, chilly north wind, high atmospherics and temperature down to just 2
degrees! Luckily the fish seemed undeterred early on and first cast saw one of
the lakes biggest orfe grace Barrie’s net at 6lb 11oz, bigger than when I had
her at 6lb 5oz. A tench soon followed before things went quiet. The wind was
really cold so Barrie headed to the van to get a coat, bad move as whilst he
was gone another of the big girls turned up, 5lb 8oz. Bites were from then on
infrequent with another tench falling, one getting away and two missed.
12/04/17 – One
very long day in the office, however managed to get a ‘Where to Fish’ spread
done in a day!
13/04/17 – Once
again trying to get ahead off myself so spent the morning phoning fisheries and
updating my fishery database, before taking my mother out for nine holes of
golf then getting the tackle ready, hopefully for a few hours crucian fishing
in the morning.
14/04/17 – Knew
Johnsons was not only busy but fishing badly, not surprising as not only has
the weather turned cold the amount of bait thrown into the lake over the last
ten days has been incredible. Saying this though some very big crucians have
come out, the biggest 4lb 9oz along with numerous back up fours so always worth
a go as one bite could change everything. Unfortunately none came my way or to
most others but a 3lb 14oz was taken whilst I was there. With the lake fishing
so slow and with work commitments pending I packed in early and headed home
before spending the rest of the day writing articles.
15/04/17 – 17/04/17
– Spent quite a few hours in between family and house projects completing a
couple of weeks ‘Where to Fish’ pages so that some fishing time is freed up
later this month.
18/04/17 – Awoke
to a frost this morning at 5am, great as I’m off to a fishery with my dad that
we have never set eyes on before to create an Anglers Mail ‘Where to Fish’
opener, and we have just one chance to get the job done, great! As it happens
everything went to plan, however with just an hour to go we looked doomed to
failure but when it was needed I pulled a proper fish out of the bag! Keep
buying your Anglers Mail if you want to find out more about a fantastic venue,
hardly ever mentioned before!
19/04/17 –
Writing up yesterday’s feature, sorting kit out for tomorrows feature as well
as the tackle for France.
20/04/17 –
Arrived at Newdigate Lodge Lake at 7am. Conditions not great but managed to get
the feature sorted. It certainly wasn’t easy which included three swim moves
but finally found a few fish. Keep an eye out on AM for the Catch More Tench on
the Waggler article coming soon.
21/04/17 – Up at
5am, article written and curry for France cooked by 8am then spent the rest of
the day getting the tackle ready for a week in France. Left home at 11.30pm,
details to follow.
22/04/17 – 29/04/17
– On the road come midnight Friday with a long drive to Lac Serriere in France.
Through the Euro Tunnel around 3am and straight onto the French toll roads. Had
a good journey, albeit knackering with no sleep and not much to eat but arrived
right on time come 1pm. After an informative tour of the lake by Simon the
owner all six anglers, which included Steve Briggs, picked a number out of the
hat and guess what I chose number six! Chris who I was with chose better with
number three and with the shallows and outlet swims taken he decided on the
woods, on the far side of the lake as it allowed us to double up along with
still having loads of options to go at. We knew that the left hand side of the
platform produced less fish but generally bigger as this is where deeper water
was with the right seeing shallows and more fish but usually smaller, although
it did produce a seventy the previous week! Totally drained come that evening
and with the sun baking down we finally managed to get a couple of rods out
each come 8pm and with a good curry inside us settled back with little
expectations for the night ahead. The reason for the trip was a holiday to celebrate
Chris’s 50 birthday and what he wanted was to catch a fifty during the trip.
Around 2am one of his rods ripped off and we thought that the challenge had
been achieved but he came agonisingly close with a mirror weighing 49lb! Come morning and still buzzing we made a game
plan and with rods out come midday settled back with high hopes. Two other carp
had come out, one from the outlet, the other from the shallows so things were
looking good and when my middle rod fished to open water let out a single bleep
and slowly pulled round come 3pm we were both thinking big fish as this was an
area noted for producing the big girls. In all honesty throughout the whole of
the fish, which lasted a good fifteen minutes I thought it had to be a massive
catfish, the fight was that brutal, so when a carp surfaced I was shocked. In
the net it looked massive and Simon who had seen the man hugs was already on
his way and straight away said it’s the Grey Lady, a carp that is usually
around 80lb. On the scales she went 78lb 14oz, a fish of a lifetime and one
that left me with mixed emotions as I know how long some anglers have fished
the lake without having the honours of witnessing such a magnificent creature.
With a lump in the throat and after a few photos she was gone, will this ever
sink in? The next couple of days followed in a similar fashion with Chris
landing two more of 42lb 10oz and 38lb 12oz with myself taking another two
weighing 39lb 12oz and 56lb 6oz. Three of these fish came during a short period
when the wind swung round to the south west but this spell was short lived as
once again the wind swung to the north and the lake fell dead. It wasn’t till
Thursday night that the next fish came, a night when the temperature plummeted
seriously below freezing, but two came to Chris’s rods, 28lb and a 21lb 12oz
common. The last evening came and again it was Chris that bagged one, this time
a low thirty but come dawn and after more than three days my rods remained
silent. The 7.30am alarm never awoke me as I was up earlier and not expecting
another fish with just thirty minutes to go headed for the toilet on the other
side of the lake. Bad move as looking across the lake I saw Chris bent into a
fish and yes it was on my rod! As they say ‘it's never over until the fat lady
sings’ and landing a fish weighing 38lb 12oz that should have been mine was immaterial
as we had worked hard together for some seriously stunning fish, a joint effort
that nether will ever forget.
Tight lines and be lucky!