How to weigh a fish accurately.
1 – On capture of a big fish and
after removing the hook make sure that it’s resting within the
water safely and out of harms way.
2 – Dampen down your unhooking mat
and sling but ensure that the sling isn’t running in water by
wringing out any excess water.

3 – Place the damp sling onto the
scales and zero in carefully using the adjustment dial. Double check
that the zeroing is spot on by removing the sling and placing it back
on the scales.
4 -Leave one of the eyelets of the
sling on the scales hook and position alongside the mat but well away
from any excess water. Ideally a smaller unhooking mat can be used or
the kneeling pad of some larger mats but don’t place the sling on
the mat where any water is.
5 – Lift the fish onto the mat
ensuring that no additional water hits the sling.
6 – Slide or place the fish into the
sling and lift.
7 – Hold the scales at the top
preferable using a weighing rod. Never hold dial scales by their
sides as this gives an incorrect reading.

8 – Record the fish’s weight.
9 – If the fish is something very
special then I will place the fish safely back into the water, but on
doing so avoid placing the sling in the water.
10 - Finally, with the fish resting
once again within the water, take a second to place the sling back on
the scales. If its bang on zero then all well and good, if its not,
and this is a major problem with digitals as often they will read
-2/+2oz, then something went wrong in your weighing procedure.
11 – Return fish

Please note that
the welfare of the fish is of up most importance throughout any
procedure, be it playing, unhooking, weighing or photographing so
attention to detail and being organised are both elements that need
addressing closely. Always have a bucket of water next to you and
never let a fish dry out. I always carry a Nash Fish-Care Kit with me
and if the fish has any wounds then treat in accordance to the
instructions. On returning a fish always ensure it cannot fall out of
the item that its being transported in and even if it is secure keep
it as close to the ground as possible and never turn your back or
walk away from a fish when its on the mat.
The do's and don’ts when weighing.
1 – Don’t hold dial scales by
placing your hands either side, it gives a false reading. Always hold
the scales at the top using a weigh rod or better still a tripod.
2 – Don’t weigh a fish in a sling
running in water or dry, make sure it’s damp.
3 – Try to weigh a fish out of the
wind as pressure from a modest breeze on a damp sling will add weight
to it.
4 – Always zero the scales to the
sling before adding the fish. This is where many anglers slip up. In
their excitement on catching a big fish they simply zero the scales,
and then place the fish within a sling which obviously weighs

Example - If it’s a Gardner Sling
Multi-Species sing then when damp it weighs 6oz. Add this to an 11oz
dace and well you can see why often a 1lb 1oz dace looks somewhat
suspect when claimed at a weight of 1lb 1oz! Carp sling weigh even
more so once again a 29lb carp can easily be miss-weighed and
recorded at 32lb plus!

5 – Never weigh a fish in a landing
net, let alone a landing net with the handle attach. Yes some
companies have manufactured landing nets with a ring so that fish can
be weighed but it’s a bad practice and should not be encouraged.
Some dial scales wont allow you to zero them to this, or in the case
of digitals will reset when the net is removed giving a false reading
when coming to weighing the fish. Weighing a fish like this is a bad
practice and if used only used to give an angler a rough weight not
an accurate weight.

6 – Weighing fish within a plastic
bag, is it acceptable? Once again weighing a fish within a plastic
bag is widely used but once again can give false readings as it’s
impossible on most dial scales to zero the scales accurately as the
plastic bag has very little weight. A damp sling is far more
accurate, just like the 6oz Gardner Sling, as it has a weight when
damp which can be zeroed in to the scales.
7 – If you are using Weighmaster dial
scales then be very careful as zeroing these is a bit hit and miss,
especially with a plastic bag.
Example – A friend of mine uses these
and I recall him catching a big rudd a few years back. I asked if we
could do an experiment using each others scales, which he agreed. He
weighed the rudd using Weighmaster dial scales within a plastic bag
at 2lb 11oz; I used Ruben Dial scales and a damp sling and recorded a
weight of 2lb 5oz! By weighing the fish again on his scales he
continuously recorded different weights.

8 – Once your sling is damp and it’s
been zeroed into the scales don’t place it on a wet unhooking mat.
I usually hover this above the mat then carefully place the fish
within, all the time making sure that the sling doesn’t get any
wetter. Easy to do if there are two anglers, or the fish is something
like a three pound perch but any bigger and it’s difficult when you
are on your own. If it’s a big fish then just try not to get the
sling wet after zeroing in.

9 – If you’re weighing a fish which
involves having to make a some sort of mathematical adjustment, well
your leaving yourself open to recording an incorrect weight. The
reason we all taught simple arithmetic at schools is so we know how
to add and subtract. I failed my maths exam, why, because its not my
strongest point so will always avoid having to make a calculation to
get a weight.
10 – Only use scales that have been
designed for angling. I know of instances where anglers use scales
that weight only in kilo or show 8oz as.5. Once again the angler then
has to convent this into pound and ounces which once again can lead
to inaccurate weights.
If you are serious
about recording your fish accurately then you need to buy yourself
some proper scales. I gave up using Digital scales years ago, why
because when electrics meet dampness they will eventually let you
down. I used Fox Stalker Digital scales for years with no problems
what so ever, even having them checked by weights and measures
against two British Records and they were bang on both times.

Eventually though
these packed up. I should have paid the price and bought a new set
yet by then loads of other companies such as Ruben, Chub and Korum
had flooded the market with far cheaper versions. I tried most but
all for one reason or another failed to inspire me that the reading
given was accurate. So I now and have for many years relied on Ruben
Dial scales, bulky and heavy yes but also accurate.
I recall catching
a rudd a few winters back which looked huge. Myself and angling
companion Chris were both convinced it was close, if not a three
pounder but my Ruben Dials recorded a weight of 2lb 6oz. Thinking
that my scales were weighing light I asked Chris, who also uses Ruben
Dial scales to weigh the fish on his and guess what, he recorded a
weight of 2lb 6oz. It was just a massive framed fish that fooled both
of us in the darkness and weighed far less than it looked.
If you weigh fish
in a plastic bag then surely you only have to ask yourself the
question why did the British Record Fish Committee find discrepancies
in accepting a potential British Record perch recently.
I also recall
seeing a big crucian last year reported to the press at a weight of
3lb 13oz 11drams. How did that angler get 11drams? For me as soon as
I read such a weight, all I do is look at it, agree it’s a big
fish but dismiss the weight as being accurate as in truth a fish can
only be weighed accurately to within an ounce. If I also read about a
fish that’s been weighed in a landing net I also look at this in
the same way. Yes I have recorded fish within half-an-once, why
because on weighing the needle is between two one ounce markers. To
be honest most anglers including myself now forget about half-ounces
and take the lower weight. The British Record Fish Committee now
encourages this practice and showed this by lowering Martin Bowlers
Crucian carp record from 4lb 9oz 9drams to 4lb 9oz.
All in all, if you weight a fish
incorrectly then you are only cheating yourself!