Casting a fly - Avington Trout Fishery.
An invitation to
fish Avington Trout Fishery in Hampshire by one of my customers,
Adrian Francis just couldn’t be ignored. I’m not sure what I had
done to deserve such a generous offer but to be honest, the word
customer won’t ever be used again, and instead it will be my ‘good
friend’. To be honest I have only ever cast a fly on one occasion,
many years ago on a small trout fishery just outside Horsham, so a
return was well overdue.

The day dawned
warm and still and as we made our way down to the fishery through the
gorgeous Hampshire countryside the air was filled with plenty of
fishy tales. Arriving at the fishery just after opening time we were
warmly welcomed by the fishery staff that just couldn’t have been
more helpful. With tickets in hand and a few new flies in the box we
leisurely walked around the first lake watching as big trout drifted
in and out of the weed. The odd swirl wetted my appetite, yet today
was so different to the rush for swims on club coarse waters, it was
as if time stood still as we had all day and rushing and stressing
just wasn’t part of the agenda. Crossing the Itchen carrier that
runs through the fishery dark shapes could be spotted drifting in and
out of the shadows, some were trout but others ‘The lady of the
stream’ grayling. The second lake just shouted fish, rich in weed
and crystal clear. Bow waves rippled across the surface, time to get
the Polaroid’s on. It took a while for my eyes to adapt but there
they were, huge trout that id only seen on videos before, yet now
they were just yards before me. Adrian had been talking tactics
during our stroll around the lakes and I apologise now if I was
somehow distracted, I was listening. Settling between the two bottom
lakes we made our rods up whilst Adrian gave me a short but
educational delve into the world of Diptera (the study of flies).
Words like Nymph, Buzzers and Shrimps were familiar yet Bobbies,
Zonkers and Buggers bought on a whole new meaning to types of flies.
Using a number six fly line, 9ft tapered leader I tied on an orange
golden bullet as recommended by the guys in the shop and after a
quick demonstration of casting proceeded to try and get a fly in the
water. Slowly things came together and Adrian felt confident that I
could be left alone to perfect my cast yet the trout weren’t
playing ball as it wasn’t long before the line tightened and reel
screamed as an angry rainbow made a bid for freedom. Thinking that I
had just been lucky I continued to practice my cast yet a repeat
performance happened and another six pound rainbow graced the net.
Adrian was also soon into a fish of similar size before spotting one
well into double figures, yet as is so often the case just as he felt
the perfect cast would outwit such a monster and juvenile spoilt the
party. With two fish each in such a short space of time we headed
back to the clubhouse for a coffee.

The staff were
grading fish in the stock pens and amazingly allowed us in to watch
and take pictures. In some of the holding pools were some real
monsters, rainbows and blue around twenty pounds and thoughts of
hooking such a fish rekindled our imagination for the afternoon
session. Back on lake two Adrian decided to try and single one big
fish out and soon found himself in battle with a big rainbow yet it
wasn’t to be as at the last minute it threw the hook. By now I was
trying to cast to the big fish that had eluded Adrian in the morning
but just as it had happened to him a smaller, fitter and faster
rainbow screamed in from another direction. Adrian had also netted
his three fish limit so once again we headed to the club house where
the staff once again couldn’t have been more helpful, gutting and
filleting our catch whilst we headed to the carrier stream for a bit
of stealthy catch and release.
These fish are
quite cute with numerous rises being missed and passed, yet as we
looked back over ground covered they were once again taking the odd
hatch of the surface. My attempts at side casting under trees came
with the occasional branch hooked yet finally when I had let the fly
drift pass me whilst looking at a good wild brownie l felt a tug on
the line and finally lifted into a fish which turned out to be my
first grayling on a fly. Adrian also gave me what looked to me like a
master class in upstream, under cover side casting and soon had a
small brownie in the net yet the big rainbow he tried to tempt had
obviously seen it all before. With me putting yet another fly in a
tree we decided to call it a day and what a day it was.

Without a doubt I
will be back, however this time I will have perfected my casting in
the garden as next time I want to stalk one of the big ones.
A massive thank
you to Avington Trout Fishery for such a warm, friendly and helpful
welcome, but even a bigger thank you to my good friend Adrian.
Avington Trout
Fishery –
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