Bagging up at
I’ve just
returned from a trip guiding one of my regulars who wanted a day
catching a few carp and learning a few tricks that he could take with
him to other waters. Initially the trip was arranged to show just how
effective the pellet-lead is however a day or two before our trip he
also requested if I could help out with a few other methods to catch
carp. Now as everyone knows I’m not a carp angler, however when we
spoke he said ‘I know you’re not but you are an angler’, enough
said it was now up to me to prove that you don’t have to follow all
things read about catching carp to actually go and catch carp, in
fact quite the opposite. Without sounding condescending and telling
anglers exactly why hiring a guide for a day would help them catch
loads of extra fish in the future, here are his words.
again a massive thank you for you’re guiding at Broadwater.
other anglers sit fishless while hammering the Carp is testament to
your knowledge and understanding of the Broadwater Carp. The
edges I learnt are priceless.
asked for a day that'd put the fun back and bend the rods and you
totally delivered.
a dozen Carp including four mid to high doubles and topped by a
twenty pound plus fish in conditions far from perfect, I couldn't
have asked for more!
Email –
Tel – 07928 617006
Has the wife or girlfriend asked you
for ideas for Christmas presents this year? If she has and you are
struggling for ideas, why not get her to give me a call and buy a
gift voucher from me for a day’s guiding with me?
You choose the species, I will sort the’s that easy!
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