Friday, 15 June 2018

Essex Action...

Essex Action.

Yesterday spent the afternoon with my good friend Ian Joyce at Slough House creating an Anglers Mail 'Where to fish' opener. Was the action explosive? Keep buying your copy of Anglers Mail to find out.....

Slough House Fishery
China Lane,
RM14 3RS

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Positive ID please!

Positive ID please!

I've always considered this to be a personal best salmon, caught years ago on a size 18 hook and double maggot from the River Itchen. It weighed just over 12lb, however the odd person has said it could be a sea or brown trout, yet looking at the tail I still think its a salmon.

Anyone out there that could give me a positive ID?

Monday, 11 June 2018

Business as usual

Business as usual
Had a really enjoyable day afloat at Old Bury Hill with Ian, one of my regular customers fishing for tench. Plenty of action all morning with plenty of tench and bream to 4lb plus, along with the odd carp lost. All came on the float and paste fished up against the snags in what's known as the Jungle.
Contrary to what you may have read, OBH is the same as its always been, a day ticket venue. Just turn up, pay you're money and enjoy the fantastic fishing it has to offer. 
If you want more details on my guiding days just email me at -

Monday, 4 June 2018

Serious tench fishing!

Serious tench fishing!

After a night of inactivity my swim came to life at 7am the following morning where numerous tench graced my net including my third biggest ever of 9lb 9oz. A number of sevens also came along and all took a liking for three red maggots on a helicopter rig.

I did tweak my set-up slightly which made all the difference, yet the only way you will know just what I did will be kept to anyone who fancies booking me for a guided specimen tench trip. More details can be obtained by emailing me at -

Ten year old smashes it!

 Ten year old smashes it!

Last weeks customer was 10 year old Gabriel from Brookwood who wanted an introduction to angling so he could compete against his older brother. I have always thought that its far easier to keep there attention span for longer by float fishing and come the end of our four hour morning session Gabe had caught upwards of twenty tench and a crucian.
Fancy a guiding day then email me at - duncancharman@me.c
om for more details.

Fantastic tench fishing

Fantastic tench and all on the float!

Last week I was told about some fantastic tench fishing, not for big fish but numbers which were responding to float tactics so I headed out and enjoyed four hours of non-stop action taking 32, the best around 4lb 8oz.

Fancy catching a bag of tench like this? Simply email me at for more information of my guided sessions.